To bad you dont have to do them either, lol, but you will still sit there and grind those renowns on all your alts for hours lol. You made a invaiid point. Not everyone is a Atoholic. lol
Im fine with either direction, but i will ask that there be better ways to get rep or to rep grind than the soup event. The event is so popular it lags the zone and makes it hard to do anything in azure span.
You’re the one all bent out of shape to start flipping out.
Of course, let’s move goalposts.
Y’all are actually losing your minds over a few world quests. Take a step back and reevaluate your lives. Seriously.
shakes head
This isn’t even worth the effort to explain to you people.
Hope they are ready for major backlash the likes only seen during the WOD flight debacle they had such an easy win here with open world solo casuals yet they rather listen to players who won’t even be needing the gear once mythic is going.
All because some of you have no control and feel like you must do everything even if it doesn’t reward you with anything you need I on the other hand only did stuff for rewards I needed if a piece of gear was lower then what I had on I didn’t do it instead of whining on the forums.
Hope you all like your dead game because I feel this is going to have a major effect on a lot of players and when the hurricane hits there will not be much left.
I love the tyranny of the majority, thanks.
Be sure to make the game M+ or die, was happy earlier now back to considering dropping.
Happy to see they reverted the change, semi weekly world quests have been really great.
While we’re on the topic of World Quests I hope Blizzard sees this and can clarify something I’ve seen in game.
Earlier this week there was a weapon on one of my world quests and having noticed that World Quest gear scaled with item level I chose to wait to complete it in the hopes that it would scale higher after I completed other content. At some point most of the rewards on my map updated (same quest, it didn’t expire) and the weapon was replaced with currency. So my question is, are world quest rewards supposed to change during the week or was this a launch related bug? And if this is intended then what intervals can we expect world quest rewards to change in?
Thank you!
Those who say there’s nothing to do might want to try it. I have every class on 4 different servers. All different specs and stuff. Honestly impossible to get bored or run out of things to do.
That’s not the point.
Many people have been enjoying the game at their own leisure, myself included, but there is still a FINITE AMOUNT OF CONTENT at release. It’s not endless, unless you consider endlessly grinding mobs to be meaningful endgame content, which many of us do not.
The complaint against Daily world quests is that people would feel obligated to log in each day. The fault for this opinion rests entirely on Blizzard themselves; they have conditioned people over multiple expansions to think that people would miss out if they missed a day of world quests. That was true in Legion and BFA and Shadowlands. It is NOT true in Dragonflight, because they made the sensible decision to remove most player power from reputation grinds. (Crafting is not player power, even though some people believe in a mirage that it is…)
The simple fact is this: if you do all the quests and side quests – and it is NOT having rushed through everything to have completed them all by now – then you are still left with this: once the world quests are done, you’ve run out of content. Unless you are really into mob grinding (and let me remind you that they just nerfed Wrathion/Sabellian mob spawns, combined with awful tagging limitations), or unless crafting or gathering really makes your heart pound… you have few options left, and those all are locked behind long timers. (Like the Tuskarr soup - a pittance of reputation every 3.5 hours, and that’s it.)
World quests going daily, for gold or rep or whatever, was a great change.
And once again, Blizzard let a small subset of players change their minds about it.
REVERSING this decision IS A MISTAKE I’ll tell you.
Im stunned. Im appalled. What ab absolute joke. The massive whiners got their way yet again. Jesus Christ. What an absolute JOKE
Well, cool.
I’m out, after I see the story then.
Why would I want to log in twice a week to do my main form of content for like an hour?
$15/month isn’t worth 4 hours of content.
Yeah just have them give 3 to 4x the rep.
But Mindlessly grinding those reps is fun to you. Where World Quest are fun to other people. No one makes anyone do them. ever.
Great, it feels better to log in after 2 day than having then reset every single day, people that think world quest is a main form of content are really funny, they were never that.
If your a crafter, particularly for LW, you fall behind the other crafters FAST if you aren’t endlessly grinding rep for centaurs/tuskar, because all the ‘end’ recipees for LW are rep locked for some friggin reason. Not even as option side grades/cosmets, nope, just 100% hard stop, the best gear, is rep locked for crafters.
Blizzard once again let a minority speak for the majority, so you’re right.
Casual players like doing what they like doing. I love world quests. I hate camping spawn points. Daily world quests would have made me happy. I’ll complete the WQs in one night and then… nothing for me for days.
Good job, Blizzard, you really know how to listen to the whiners.
Horrible change. I want something to work towards, something for me to do when I log in. Currently I have 2 days a week where I actually have content to do that isn’t flying around aimlessly hoping to find a pile of dirt.
Give me something to work towards when I log in. Now we’re back to the WoD days of “Log in, Log off.” I guess they want lesser people logged in on a daily basis.
There literally is no player power tied to this, No player progression besides a reputation. How is this any different than its been for the past 15 years? Why NOW do we get punished by only having world content to do twice a week instead of on a daily basis.
How about a system where world quest rewards stack up for a few days if you don’t do them, so if you want to do stuff every day you can and you get the same rewards as people who knock them all out in one sitting every three days, perhaps slightly higher?
And each zone should rotate their WQs independently, even on a bi-weekly duration. One zone on Mondays and Thursdays, another on Tuesdays and Fridays, another on Wednesdays and Saturdays, etc. That way there’s still a few new things to do each day, but they can still be done once every three days if desired - like callings.
youre making alot of assumtions and youre wrong on all of them