Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

Blizzard have no balls to stand up to the crybabies.


Slightly disappointed to be honest.

But WoW has never really had consistent daily content since they got rid of Daily Hubs so I’m not all that surprised. Hopefully there is something to do in the downtime between the weeklies.


There’s zero borrowed power systems. There’s literally nothing to fall behind on. How the hell 166 people think this is somehow going to affect you is astounding.


Zone events kills the server performance.


How the hell is crafting tied to player power when it’s damn optional you can get gear faster via mythic plus or do your damn raids. Or your pvp content there are many paths for gearing not just crafting. And open world soon.


the vocal minority has always won with blizzard


Everything has seriously went right over your head my guy.

That does not matter at all. We are racing to beat the market while prices are high. Crafters are a cut throat market. That is fun for us, and being force to WQ every day to keep up with the rep farm, while balancing everything else?

No thanks.

it’s Humanbeak, aren’t they always trolling?

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Now everyone can go grind Mindlessly their Wrath and Cobalt reps LOL, but complain about World Quest LOL,

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you truly are clueless

He is clueless

Crafting has always been many solo players end game. It matters more than raiding to us and dungeons.

Wow weakest link has been it crafting. Now that it got a revamp, it matters way more and should be looked at when balanced.

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It’s not empty of content, just empty of things you want to do. Which is a perfectly fair assessment, but play an alt or log off and read a book or stream a movie.

I mean I want more WQ, I just don’t know that they need to be daily. It’s ok to not play every day. I mean I do play everyday, but if there is a day where there is nothing for you to do in game, it’s really ok to do something else.


Whatever dude. Go back into your little bubble of yours thinking that you’re on the right and I am in the wrong.

They shouldn’t give people more to do for the same reason. And they were gonna nerf rep gains since they were daily, meaning punish people who can’t do them daily. That isn’t fair.


Not really, no. This was based on their statistics in their computers. Active players dropped after this whole 3 day wq thing and it killed activity across servers.

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As an ‘outside player’, as I have seen used in this thread, I am very happy that they decided not to make the change at this time.

Thank you Blizz!


they never said that

This is an outright lie.

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