Terrible choice . DF has bearly anything to do. Why is are WQ any diffrent then the Blue ! dailys ??
Thank you for this. I’ve created a thread suggesting what could be done, but I’m sure your own internal discussions are sifting through dozens of ideas. Stick to your new philosophy.
Don’t get caught up on the people claiming that they’ll unsub for not having dailies. It’s farce. While it’s not Blizzard’s responsibility to kowtow or force a change to their habits, Dragonflight must have enough content for everyone. It’s up to the individual to discover what else they enjoy in the game besides the tedious repetition to which they’re accustomed.
Good change! Thank you, Blizz!
they should bring back emissaries or callings.
And yet FF14 lacks content at endgame and those side content seems boring and I bet they don’t even have their own world quest systems that can compete with ours and also they can’t even make their ui look half decent as ours.
Dumb change back , Some of us enjoy Dailys those that dont dont have to do them. freaking boring game.
Cringe, now back to not logging on cept every 3 days
Daily world quest create an unhealthy feeling of being “left behind” for some folks. It’s not that they want to do the content, it’s that “oh, I need to log into World of Warcraft and do this content because it’s going to be gone tomorrow. If I don’t get that 25 rep now, it’s gone and I’ll be behind the person who does it”.
It fosters an unhealthy and forced mentality in players.
Yikes. No one asked.
I don’t do dungeons.
I got plenty to do without world quest.
I will need more in the future sure, but right now I WQ every day would be a burden.
I would have preferred the daily world quests. Shame you got my hopes up. Feels like this is gonna be another 1 month subscription expansion.
Sorry that they promised to get rid of stuff feeling mandatory, then tried to push a change that goes against that promise and now your mad. A lot of things are tied to renown so like it or not players would feel like they had to do WQ to keep up with professions and everything else that comes with renown. It was a bad proposed change and I’m glad they quickly walked it back.
Mandatory in what way like seriously? They don’t even contribute to player power in anyway.
WE WANT WORLD QUEST! If you dont dont do them. EASY. Change your mind again cause your really letting a lot of the player base down that enjoy having World Quest to do.
So what days are world quests mandatory now? This is confusing.
Genuine question.
If world quests are what’s keeping you in the game, how come you left the previous expansion where they had daily world quests?
Logic would conclude daily world quests aren’t the breaking point for your subscription.
Your argument for having dailies is personal confusion and uncertainty of the future? That means you’re seeking comfort in what you already know, even though it’s bad for you. Do you get addicted to things easily?
For players that decline the power from raids/dungeons/pvp, they contribute to power. For players that don’t decline, they have some good early items, but not exclusive power.
Is it really that hard for people to NOT do WQs/dailies every day if they don’t want to? I don’t get it.