Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

You’re basing the argument during a time where PvP, M+ and Raid Seasons aren’t even open yet.


Thank goodness. Anyone wanting daily quests needs to go outside. If people aren’t doing them it’s a reward problem not a frequency problem. Getting WQs done and not feeling forced to log on and do them every single day was one of the best changes so far. Just buff the rewards from semi weekly ones.


source - they had the exact same discussion in beta

Thank You. Some of the ideas of increased rep gains so people can still rush through the content might be an idea?

But to be honest, happy that I can’t just hit renown cap in a week or two and farm everything out.

If you felt “forced” to log on and do them every single day I think it’s you that needs to go outside.


Thank you. I quit in Mists because it was death by dailies, and I was horrified to see we were going back there already.


clueless forum whiners ruining a good change because they want to play once a week gj blizzard.


Thank you for giving me a reason now to unsub and find another game to play since I avoid pvp, I don’t care about professions, I hate group instanced stuff so avoid raids and mythics.

You had a easy win here with us solo open world players but you rather take the loss what do you bet there are going to be others who won’t stick around.


the raid loggers

Ive put in a refund request for my sub.
I doubt i will get it but im just done. Im done.


bad decision

your bugs already destroyed any fairness in crafting and the design wasn’t all that great anyway - people just hadn’t figured out crafting is useless right now to do because the world content gear is higher ilvl than spending months working on crafting.


Guess I am going back to Final Fantasy XIV.



Even with daily world quests in DR it wouldn’t of been even close the the dailies in MoP. I did so many of them, so many.

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Blizzard loves listening to the worst part of the community apparently. God forbid there’s anything to do in the game.


I would, strictly personally as someone who prefers 3-day WQ timers, not mind if there were daily WQs that were just the “kill this one rare” style we had in Argus.

Those give you something to do each day, but they aren’t too time consuming to do each day or on alts, and in targeting rares it means the reward is boosted a bit according to what drops - and, if it worked like in recent expansions, it would reduce the pain point of waiting around for certain rares if there was a chance for them to spawn every few minutes while their WQ was active on random days.

Can’t speak for anyone else but IMO the Argus approach to WQs and rares was one of my favourites - respected time in both ways at once.


Thank you <3

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Really pleased if the change does not happen. Seen the posts by “bored” people and thought how? There is plenty to do, just maybe they don’t want to do it. Which is fine. I like that if I miss one day there is less of a feeling I missed so much.

So add me to the “Yay for not changing” camp.


Says the person who wants to log on every single day and do the exact same WQ. Sounds like a healthy relationship with a game.


Happy now you people that cried for weekly world quest and not daily. I hope you are enjoying the boredom of nothingness.


There can be 3 1/2 day wquests and daily wquests at the same time no reason why there aren’t kill x mob world quests on a daily basis for rare hunting to reward additional benefits for daily rare hunting