Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

You are way too emotional attached to this issue.

You can make alts and do world quest every day to your hearts desire.

Second off, you act like that Blizzard will not nerf the amount you get each week. If we get the same amount of rep from doing 3 days of work. I rather do it every 3 days.

I know plenty of people who hate that the war mode dailies are only 24 hours.

Stop talking for other people.

It’s almost like I’m referring to the thread. :exploding_head:

You don’t speak for all outdoor players. You and others focus so much on WQs being daily, that is not the only outdoor content that exists that can be done daily. Heck even the recent hotfix changes to expedition packs/dirt piles have turned them into dailies as after you open/dig a certain number in a day you don’t see anymore spawning until the next day.

So there’s another daily that isn’t a WQ and isn’t the typical kill quest.

There’s a ton to do in the outdoor world beyond WQs, you can’t call yourself an outdoor player if you’re not choosing to engage with all available outdoor content.

If you feel like you don’t have a routine or want one, they are looking for other ways into that.

But as they stated their goal “avoid making WQs feel mandatory”, and making them daily will do just that.

There are so many reviews of Dragonflight launch out there now and so many players - even content creators (the people who would benefit the most from daily WQs) have been expressing positive feedback of not having daily WQs which added to the feeling of “having to log in.”

But apparently you need them to hold yours with daily WQs that tell you to do pretty much the exact same things you can do without daily WQs - kill stuff, gather stuff, farm items, craft, go dragon riding.

Or is it because they give you such good rewards for a min of your play time and you like the easy to obtain rewards for little to no effort?

All of this.

The change to non-daily WQs has given players the ability to play alts without feeling like they have so much daily content to do on their main (at let’s be honest with everyone and ourselves this always referred to the daily WQs with the chest reward system).

And yes if they made the WQs daily they would decrease the rewards they gave, because the whole point of the WQs are just additional bonuses to aid in the outdoor content (gearing, renown, crafting).

Look at the gaining levels through crafting - nerfed. Look at the recent change made to fishing turn ins, 5 rep for 20 fish and the players that are min-maxing are going crazy turning them in.

Players will always do whatever is most efficient and to be honest Blizzard makes changes/nerfs based on the amount of the playerbase it will affect.

So many people were using the crafting exploit to level quickly - nerfed.
So many people were farming the expedition scout packs/digs - nerfed.
They had to nerf whatever was going on with the alchemy stuff and shut it off for a while.

Blizzard is always going to reduce gains if they are occurring too quick for too little effort.

They don’t care about the people playing 20 hours a day gaining centaur renown from the grand hunts because they’re having to put that many hours in.

WQs are ridiculously easy to clear compared to the big rewards you get for them.

That seems doubtful, since they didn’t quadruple the rewards when they cut down the frequency so drastically, so doesn’t seem like they’d need to nerf that.

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Please give us more things to do.


I prefer the semi-weekly world quest structure that we have currently because it doesn’t feel like a chore having to log on every single day to do all of them.

There’s honestly a lot to do right now though even before the season starts. You have all the side-campaigns in every single zone for the factions, super rares to farm, siege & flood stuff, world quests, crafting stuff, etc.

All of these items end up becoming irrelevant once the M+ season starts. +5s and higher drop higher iLvl than the world quest stuff. I’m curious how they’re going to make the world quest items and things like super rares relevant 3 months down the road once everyone is max iLvl.

Because they like the pacing of how WQs interact with the renown system. Which these systems are designed to be lasting the entire season and not something to be achieved to maximum in 2 weeks the expansion is out (despite it being able to do if one wants to grind them).

Crafting and gearing system is made the same way.

It’s just going to take an adjustment period to the playerbase who have it the reverse way for the many past expansions.

This is a good point, so much to do, especially for the players posting that they only log on an hour a day, I suspect some are not being genuine if these players that are only able to log on an hour a day have none of the content you described available for them to do.

So they’re actually not concerned with that. The items like 379 and 382 gear you see from renown unlocks are supposed to be there for the players that do no organized instanced content - these are players that don’t do dungeons beyond LFD/LFR. And the WQs for these players are designed to be higher than heroic dungeons which is perfect for them.

I am not too high of a ilvl but even at 360 I could feel the world content becoming easier and my character power growth. So I imagine the 380 range will feel even better.

It’s also why LFR unlock is spaced out, it’s meant for the players that don’t play the game so much but would still like to have some progress when they log on.

Blizzard doesn’t take them into consideration when developing the reward systems for organized instanced content because then those aren’t the open world only / non organized group content people anymore.

Have a source for this? Since again, the tedious burn-outy activities that are still unlimited (if the spawn rates have been nerfed) seem to be much better sources of all that than the WQs even if they did refresh more.

It was around beta, when they changed the amount needed for Renown, they commented on how they were or had increased the reward rates for renown. I’ll have to find it don’t have it off the top of my head.

But again, their issue is not that players can max out their renowns 1-2 weeks into the expansion.

Their issue is the effort/time spent for the gains.

Like they made Iskarra rep “easier” to obtain by allowing repeated fish turn ins. It’s 20 fish for 5 rep after the first time turn ins. That’s 10k fish for 1 renown level.

Soup event gives 25 rep about every 2 mins (depends if you get picked my Big Kinook), is up for 10 min total. That’s potential 125 rep for 10mins.

An iskarra wq can give you 150-200 rep for 1 min or so of time spent.

Let me ask you, do you have a source that they are worried about players achieving max renown through “tedious activities”?

Because we clearly know they are concerned with WQs feeling mandatory, the source of that in this thread.

You mean the same source that confirmed that they also know that they need more of that kind of content for the people who like that too?


I’m sorry you keep misinterpreting what they’re saying. They are looking for other ways outside of daily WQs to help those players who feel like they don’t have a routine or want a daily routine.

You are going to be very disappointed when they don’t do daily WQs and release their solution of “dailies routine”.

Depends on what they do.

If it covers the same sort of variety of activities that WQs provide in a repeatable that still provides some reward that I don’t need to go for days without any variety I’ll be better. I’m mostly happy with the expansion, this is just a disappointment (however as it keeps pulling into all of us trying to justify why our playstyle is worthwhile to each other)

I didn’t play beta so I haven’t seen what the storm events will be now. If they’re just what the pre-launch events are, that’ll be disappointing compared to some of the past varieties of those things that weren’t just kill things until bar fills up then kill a boss. Especially if it ends up with the whole tagging limit coming into play.

I just want more variety in activity types, and at this point for some reason Blizz is only putting those in WQs and other than the dragon riding ONLY in the WQs. We need more stuff that cycles through other forms of activities and not just the same thing over and over.

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I just wish there was a balance between the interests. For those of us that are weekenders, bi-weekly WQ means we get half the WQ other people do. Like, give me the option to toggle a setting to make all the WQ for the week available with a weekly reset, and let people who want a bi-weekly reset have that. Just like some people don’t like feeling forced to log in daily, I don’t love feeling like I have to try and find time to play on a weeknight.

I stopped caring about this a week ago. I log in twice a week and do some stuff then I don’t play any more. I thought that was the whole selling point of DF? For some there is plenty of things to do, but for me this expansion has been so lackluster. This isn’t about m+/raids but the game itself.

If this expansion would have dropped after WoD then it would probably have been fantastic. We’ve had Legion, BfA and Shadowlands. They were monsters in “activities”, yes they had borrowed power too and maybe that’s why? Maybe it was because of the class halls and covenants(never liked the ship in bfa). They stripped the mission tables too and by doing that they removed a bit more that we “used” to have.

It’s all good however because after a year or so of shadowlands I started losing interest in wow, with choregast, maw etc. But at least there was a lot of things to do. With DF I might just stop playing wow but we know they have planned a huge content patch for DF coming in 4-5 months or whatever it is. I bet that’s how they’re planning this.

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i do like the pace of the game, not feeling like i am behind or that i have to log every day. and do the same boring quest over and over.

  • Developers’ note: While we are not increasing the cadence on many of the Dragonflight World Quests, we are adjusting the reputation on some of the World Quests to help some of our players to better progress the weekly “Aiding the Accord” quests.

Looks like I interpreted the blue post correctly. They are not moving forward with daily WQs.

I do agree though that more gameplay like dragon racing / puzzles / non combat etc related tasks should be available in game.

The trading post will aid in this.

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I hope so because the storms are just more of the same stuff that we have too much of.

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Daily WQs would also be more of the same stuff too, even if things like dragon riding , cataloguing, climbing, harpooning, etc are new. The rate they will feel old will come sooner if they were daily.

That’s more of a truth than anything. Happens to everything.

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