That’s true, but they’re a different variety of a grind.
The storms are basically just another version of the obsidian citadel grind. With the joy of limited tags so you end up like me and not getting loot of bosses because you didn’t get there first.
I’m not trying to say every WQ is going to be a unique thing that never repeats, just that they when so much of the grind as you want content is so similar to each other. I just feel it’s a problem that the one category that has a broader selection of activities to draw from is the one that seems to have less and less available each reset (seriously, each time they’ve refreshed there’s been less of them for me than last time. 22, 17, 15)
There just needs to be some more stuff to let you take a break from the normal stuff while still progressing something.
At this point most factions unless your completely lazy are done for stuff, just bring back Dailys for those of us who like them and did them for having things to do in game and enjoyed them. Every other person does not have to do them if they dont want too their factions should be done by now.
I want to know why we only got one Battle Pet daily in the whole of Dragon isles…past expansions with zones we got one battle pet daily for each zone of that expansion but this time only one…and I find it really strange that my main this toon would only get 37 rep for doing the battle pet daily and my alts some of them 70’s already are getting 87 rep doing the same battle pet daily…
I think they should be daily, only thing left to do right now on a daily basis after done with the world quests is mythics or pvp, also farming flightstones from mythics in my opinion sucks
I’d be down for the option of faster world quests, but I guess people want an alternate source of reputation if they feel they missed out. Something to combat the sunk cost fallacy.