Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

How so ?

Blizzard stated they want to create a sense of progression for LFR.

I couldn’t care less about your 376s, I already have better gear than what LFR drops.

Honestly, I don’t even care. I’m just trying to explain the point. Crafting is by nature competitive if your goal is to actually make gold doing it. That means the people who do every WQ will have a massive advantage over those who don’t. Unlocking recipes late means they will be less useful, or not useful at all, because of the market already having been cornered by those who got there first. It’s just economics. I’m not saying I play that way, but some people do and it does negatively effect them if they don’t want to log in every day. That’s all.


Right. Crafting is competitive. So wouldn’t it make sense that the people who are more competitive - those who do all the world quests - should have a competitive edge? Im just failing to see how that factors into the equation or why it is an issue.

To be entirely fair, and remember, I am in the same camp as other people wanting daily WQ’s, there is something to be said for the alt friendliness currently in game. There’s a lot of it. Including a bonus 100% rep for characters below a character at renown 10 with a faction, and a bonus 200% for characters who are below 10, and 100% for people between 10 and 20.

In other words, if Shadina here is Renown 25 with Dragonscale, an alt of mine will receive 200% bonus rep till renown 10 and 100% bonus rep till Renown 20. And it does make life infinitely easier.

Because “LFR is a guaranteed win” is a meme. There are many scenarios where you can fail in LFR even with 10 stacks of Determination (LFR N’zoth says ‘hi’), and it’s not even relevant to the question I posed. You didn’t want to talk about that, you wanted to take an easy lol-acious dunk on LFR, and I’m not interested in a debate that’s composed of irrelevant and inaccurate catchphrases.

Yes, it does. But, then that makes World Quests mandatory for competitive crafters. Which defeats the entire argument of “They’re not mandatory so don’t do them.”


The idea of being able to get geared by doing daily world quests instead of being forced to grind mythic+ was a great feature, unfortunately those vocal minority players just ruined another source of obtaining gear.

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They just need to put more World Quests up at a time, while still leaving 3.5 days to do each one.

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This would be workable I think.

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If you guys are into taking options away from players make the following changes:

Raids now put you into a lockout after killing a boss. You are stuck with that lockout for the week.

M+ dungeons now have lockouts and you can only run each once per week.

That should appease those that feel like they have to do too much. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

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I made a thread asking what people thought of the idea and it got instantly burried.

Im wondering if thats because people just dont feel anything either way about that.
And if thats the case, that means it works perfectly as a compromise haha

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The entire incident was trolling people who wanted to do that content to show them who was boss and who were the spoiled children who couldn’t be happy if poor kids get dessert after supper.

I dont think blizzard was trying to hurt anyone but it certainly did sting quite a lot.
Being told the major issue i have with dragonflight was being sorted, having my hopes raised, just to be dashed hours later.
It really sucked

It isn’t mandatory. You still do not have to play. Please do not limit others fun because you have FOMO.

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I kinda wish I could pick either a daily or weekly format depending on my schedule.

I’m glad Blizzard saw reason here, This does show that they understand that something needs to be done, for certain players. As long as it is not a daily hub or world quest every day I am good.

Just design better world content. :slight_smile:


But it is not mandatory that you be a competitive crafter to be a crafter. That is the issue here: that all of the pressure people are feeling to do hypothetical daily world quests to not be left “behind” is entirely self-induced, not something that is compulsory within the game.


Thank you Blizz! Because of my health and disabilities I can only Open World Quest. I was getting ready to un-sub, but not so much now. :+1: :smiley:

I just really don’t get why the most tedious grinds are left alone, but the option that throws new mechanics into the mix for a change gets clamped down on hard. Looking at it when I logged in I had about the same number of wqs here as I did in the 4 base zones of SL, 22 DF, 24 SL. And most of the gear is stuff that I’ve got better versions of, used to just wait a day, or a few hours and could see what else spawned instead of those. Now it feels like I need to do all the WQs that are up since they’re so limited instead of them being a selection of things I could choose to do when I got tired of other things.

Same pattern as the slime kitty achievement, which was removed from LFR at the last minute. Same pattern as the mage tower, which was drastically made harder at the last minute. Coincidence? I think not.

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