Hey there!
I’m considering transferring to Emerald Dream, and I have a couple of questions about this server. But please, do be aware of the incoming wall of text! I am admittedly long-winded!
A bit about me first to put things in context. I have just returned to WoW after about 5 years. The RL friends with whom I once played play no longer, and the guild I was in no longer exists, so other than sentiment, there is little to hold me to my former servers. Also, I have/am:
played (off and on) since December 2004
mained a spriest, ret pally & aff lock, but have tried all classes
occasionally enjoyed BGs and WPvP since vanilla (Tarren Mill/Southshore brawls anyone? Mind controlling enemies off the spires in 1K Needles?)
some experience with RP, and have created rough outlines for a few characters
always willing to assist guildies with quests, running lower level alts through dungeons, PvP assistance, etc.
mained on both Horde and Alliance, and tend to get into the story/lore of my faction when I’m playing that faction
not much raiding experience, explained below
I’m aware that I’ve much catching up to do. While I have a few higher level toons I could transfer here, I’d prefer to reroll on ED. Why? Two reasons: first, my former mains, at 90-ish and 100-ish, feel rather alien to me. Essentially, I don’t recall how to play them well. After five years, I’m woefully out of practice. Rolling anew would give me a more solid, up-to-date feel for the class & spec.
Second, I’ve spent loads of money following friends around to server after server, so I would rather not transfer lots of toons again. I could possibly transfer one, maaayyybe two.
Given that my work schedule varies, as well as my RL commitments, I can rarely predict when I can play, thus rendering me nearly useless for raiding. I really think I’ll try to focus on PvP (BGs and WPvP primarily) this time around, as those I can que for those at just about any time. To be frank, it never really felt like I was all that good at PvP, IMHO, but I’d like to learn and do better, particularly as a worthy member of a team as opposed to a lone wolf.
My research indicates that Emerald Dream has a fairly large population, with a nearly even Alliance/Horde ratio, has active and healthy RP and PVP/WPvP scenes. My questions are few, but are mainly these:
I expect to be ganked while leveling, but is corpse camping/repeated killing of lowbies a common issue here?
Are WPvP activities fairly respectful, i.e., is there much /spit -type of stuff, or is /salute or /bow to a fallen foe after a tough fight more common? IMHO, there’s very little excuse for /rude or /spit, but maybe that’s just me, lol.
If Emerald Dream fits as well as I think it might, I’d really like to find an active, large-ish guild that would be willing to guide/train me in PvP, that does random & pre-made BGs and WPvP, conducts itself with at least some semblance of honour in its activities, would be OK with me rolling & leveling a new character (I can be pretty self-sufficient regarding gold, bags, etc.), and is at least tolerant of RP. Speaking of RP, I can get TRP3 if required. I’m fine with either Alliance or Horde, as to be completely honest, I enjoy both. It’s quite clear to me that there are several awesome guilds in both factions. I’d be willing, if I transfer a toon here, to race/faction change, if necessary.
Thank you kindly for your time spent reading this if you’ve made it this far!