Consecration "incorrectly" counts as a debuff

like for real #BlizzDevs and #BlizzQA - we at least deserve an answer on this one way or the other…


this comes from Taladril’s discord and while not Paladin specific, it may be an overall bug affecting us all so plz inform your respective guilds about it:

DiveToday at 9:19 AM
so we just confirmed the phantom debuff issue. if you havent heard anything about this, the gist is that some debuffs apply an extra debuff (“phantom”) when overwritten by another player. improved shadowbolt is one such debuff
heres a huge log file of a 5 lock multiboxer testing phantom debuff. at 15 debuffs on target, “if two shadowbolts crit at the same time, one debuff gets wiped. if 3 shadowbolts crit at the same time, two debuffs get wiped.”

tl;dr: if you account for 16 debuffs exactly, and improved shadowbolt is one of those debuffs, you may lose debuffs just by improved shadowbolt being overwritten
note: fight club members are claiming this can happen with buff slots as well, with some evidence


SmeetToday at 10:30 AM

That sounds more like if 3 of the same debuff is applied at once, they all take a slot before the game is like: “wait, only 1 should stick”

ThelorasToday at 10:30 AM


which may be what happened in @Holyfrog 's consecration test video

LawrenceToday at 10:30 AM

Oh hm.

ThelorasToday at 10:30 AM

since all the Paladins dropped their Consecration at the same time

ThelorasToday at 10:31 AM

all within a batch window

ThelorasToday at 10:32 AM

this all may be a result of spell batching

SmeetToday at 10:32 AM

Of the game being like “you got consecrate!” “Oh wait, nvm”

ThelorasToday at 10:32 AM

then the game trying to catch up

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“oh, three of the same debuff got applied, lemme remove two of them but keep one. oh, that last one isn’t real, don’t actually put it in the list”.

debugging this would be easier with access to the code :slight_smile:

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Patch notes seem to suggest this shouldn’t count as a debuff, yet tests show they are. And the doubling effect from overrides that may be going on here concerning as well. Could use an answer as the content is about to get more difficult.


Any update yet? Be nice to have this squared away before BWL drops.

Daily reminder you’re not a real paladin if your highest prio bug isn’t BoP/Flag interaction in WSG

That means all of u worrying about this


Thank you… this has been driving me absolutely crazy with my other locks when we look at logs and play… were yelling at hunters and making sure we are using less than 16 debuffs and we notice this still happens. its like they disappear and never come back again if they are overwritten.

Still no response from blizzard? why even go through the trouble of removing the icon? Then leaving other similiar aoe with icons to show they take up a slot? (hunter trap, Flame strike)

Looking more and more like if you’re not playing one of the functioning class builds then you’re just outa luck…

Want to PvP on your hunter in a Vanilla way? LOL nope buddy, FD trapping is not allowed, go spec scatter shot.

Want to play a rogue in a vanilla way? Lol nope, vanish and stealth will just randomly not work.

Want to use your paladin spells and make the most of your class in a vanilla way? Nope, because this game has more bugs than vanilla ever did in its entire 2 years live.

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I will see if I can find indisputable proof of consecrated ground not screwing up the debuff limit.

Ten years later… You lads probably wish you hadn’t let go of all those community managers and QA professionals eh? :smirk:


ok so in the spirit of transparency and full disclosure two new vanilla era video repositories has come to my attention which showcases a vast archive from the original warcraft movies site:

and from these archives we may have some evidence one or the other finally:

LunavaleToday at 12:47 PM

it’s just one video and it’s a little hard to tell for sure, but it looks like cons was knocking off debuffs at 1:28 here. Am sad
as the fight goes on, there’s never 16 debuffs up along with a cons down

but of course there is ALWAYS a caveat…

ThelorasToday at 3:53 PM

@Lunavale good find - the only pushback that’s possible for that video is that it is actually pre 1.12.1 as the upload date is 2006-08-23 and 1.12.1 was released on 26 September 2006
a difference of only a month I know but this same crap happened with the video evidence showing Neretzek’s life drain scaling at 100% of spell dmg

Aug 13, 2006
yet the devs said that life drains were nerfed in 1.12.1 and wow tools shows neither neretzek or corrupted ashbringer as having any scaling - ironically enough wow tools stated that Runeblade of Baron Rivendare showed 100% scaling and yet the Devs/QA said that was a bug so quite honestly who even frickin knows anymore…

Well more so our warlock buddies than us. Unless yall have been told not to use conc now.

so um yea, while we’re still waiting for an answer to this - if Consecration remains as a hidden debuff, will each tick be able to trigger JoW mana regeneration then?

also, will each Consecration tick be able to proc Wrath of Cenarius ring?


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Wasn’t even hard to look up.

Subject: "Broken in 1.10"
Just got the ring in 1.10, doesnt proc on any debuff curse or even damage spells such as drain life, curse of agony or siphon life at all.

Only shadowbolt & corruption cast. Useless ring at its current state.

Also just for the record of course consecration can’t proc JoW, how can you claim to be doing all this theory crafting and literally have zero clue what are you talking about.

Even if you this was fixed Ret would still be bottom of the barrel with the other hybrids.

try again bro - blizzard CHANGED the way the ring functioned over the course of when it was released in 1.9 up to 1.12.1:

Patch 1.91- release of item. reports of issues that it isnt working with some channeled spells dmg ticks or not working for some channeled spells at all(drain life and blizzard were both mentioned more than once). reports that it procs off of non damaging spells as well.

Patch 1.10- fixed bug that caused it to proc from non damaging spells like Detect Magic, and fixed to work as intended for most spells, but became bugged with Arcane Missiles and Blizzard to not work at all.

Patch 1.12- fixed to work with all channeled spells as intended


  • Current: Proc once on initial cast
  • Correct: Most likely proc once on initial cast

it can proc on any DoTs initial cast, but not on DoT ticks.

this includes DoT’s(one from the debuff landing but not from the ticks)

The ring has not yet proced of a DOT tick. Being an afflcition warlock I think I can say that it will not proc of a DOT tick, even COA.

Channeled Direct

  • Current: Proc on each tick but not on initial cast
  • Correct: Proc on each tick, unsure if initial cast should

yes on individual ticks… meaning ive had it proc on the third missile and so on.

AoE Direct

  • Current: Procs once on initial cast, even if no targets are hit. Procs once again on spell hit, regardless of how many targets are hit.
  • Correct: Shouldn’t proc on initial cast. Most likely should proc on every target.

it does proc often off aoes… just about every other iae or blastwave of multiple targets…

AoE Channeled

  • Current: Procs once on initial cast, even if no targets are hit. Procs again on every damage dealt.
  • Correct: Shouldn’t proc on initial cast. Unsure if it should proc on all damage dealt or only once per target.

procs A TON when I use AE on the trash mobs
multiple proc chance while AoE’ing sevral targets

-it rocks for aoe’ing… the more targets you aoe, the more proc you’ll see.

as far as Consecration - it was supposedly removed as putting up a debuff because you know patch notes and all

the point of my post was that if that was a mistake, then simply make it trigger JoW procs at least if it is taking up a debuff slot

try reading moar

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So your evidence is outdated notes from prior to 1.12.x and private server data?

Try reading more? Try using real valid data.