Consecration "incorrectly" counts as a debuff

Bump for blizzard reply.

Thats what this bug report forum is for… I think… - to display/discuss potential bugs.

Blizzard blues never respond though. If Blizzard were to respond to bug reports (maybe once a month… id like more, but ya know…) with one the following 3 responses, I think it would make people feel better.

1.) confirmed working as intended as of current ( source information proof)
2.) not working as intended ( brief reasoning as to why if any)
3.) Were not sure - but we will be looking into it.

It’s embarrassing how old this thread is.

Its funny though, cause we all just talk amongst ourselves without any Blizz authority replying to conversation. its a one way conversation with a brick wall… Its hard to progress in conversation/discussion when communication (by the devs) is non existent.

luckily the blues grace us from time to time to let us know they are listening and care.