Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

Yesterday my loser self spent a few hours camping the vendor location hoping they would be back within an hour or two…

Here I am 24 hours later


they dont care about us dragon fighters also

Seriously, Blizzards QA team is hilariously understaffed.

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Which youtube channel?

You could if only you knew how the system worked!

They’ve never had a single expansion go well ever so…it’s par for the course with Blizzard.

The stupid 4k honor cap is the real problem…why is it so low?

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Temporary hotfix idea for Blizzard…increase the honor cap to 6k or 8k. Once you fix it, give people 48 hours to spend it or they lose anything above 4k.


Agreed, it at least be a temporary fix and we could play the game…

Each hour that goes by for those that can’t purchase any pvp gear they need and are sitting at cap should be an hour added to their time.

Not having the honor vendor while also having that low cap is making this all exponentially worse.


Each hour that goes by people are contemplating why they spend so much time playing an old game where PVP is severely neglected by devs


each hour that goes by is 60 minutes


play an alt or log out and go outside

You’re not old enough to be my father so don’t advise me like one. Just because you sit in a basement with no responsibilities doesn’t mean everyone is like you.

Lol yesterday qued into multiple teams of players with 140k hp hunters / healers while we’re sitting at 100-110k. We stopped queing. You’re right that compared to the rest of the pop it was very few people, but the highest rated players are the most likely to have been on in the middle of the day (:nerd_face:) to abuse this.

If they dont remove peoples items they got that went over cap they need to just remove weekly cap for the season & let everyone catch up. Let alone the free rating theyve gotten. A ladder reset should happen as well imo.

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every person that queued a single game of arena should be assassinated by an elite blizzard tac squad for defiling the sanctity of this pure and innocent game


we have already played this expansion…

put the honor vendors back in now

It must feel bad to know as a developer that you are dumber than the guy who did this 14 years ago. Can’t even figure out how to add the honor vendors back.

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The honor vendor will be back when the conquest vendor is back and the bug is fixed.