Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

Typical “we’ll fix it when we get around to it” post without any update or sign of progress. PvP is dead already

Bliz can we find a new local highschool to get our programmers from pls


the people witch hunting the guys who bought gear are people who probably would have taken advantage of the bug too if they had the chance

anyone who bought even one single piece of gear and then continued playing technically benefitted and raking every player who bought gear across the coals is probably the absolute worst move they could make

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Please keep in mind some people are exploiting the valor vendors as well right now.

Oh boy it has been 24 hours surely i will be able to log in and spend my 4k honor and begin to queue games :))))) Oh boy surely when i queue games my opponents will not be doing 30% more dam than me with the same number of casts and dmg breakdown :)))) Oh boy surely my opponents will not have 500 more res than me in the same number of pvp items :))))))


yeah so u got conquest gear and want an unfair advantage, typical i think they should be banned or have the gear removed at the very least.

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What does the honor vendor have to do with this??? why is it gone??? You’ve ruined this whole season for everyone that didnt already have all their honor gear. Thank You. smh


Not defending the other post but the conquest vendor has been available since Cata launch but just had zero items when you talked to them. Not sure I believe them being linked either since they’re separate NPCs, but who knows, I’m sure the WoW code is a giant spaghetti bowl on the backend.


why are the honor vendors gone?


Just remove the cap for conq and valor (apparently there is a new valor exploit as well)

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It’s been a rough couple of years at blizzard for sure, but I can’t help but miss the company that used to make fans wait for “as long as it took” to get something to a polished and deliverable state. This quick release garbage kills off the player base even more than stagnant content.

this is insane I just bought the 80$ package to get to pvping quick with my retail buddy and now this is why take out the honor vendors just fix the bug now all of us need to wait a day or 2 because you guys don’t give a crap about your pvp players only the ones that like the fight dragons and stuff!!! we need compensation however long it takes we need the game time back only right


but the games been out for 20 years wym quick release

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but really is it so hard to put back the honor vendor and not the conquest? or have it have no items like it was???

@Kaivax, 1.) what does this have to do with the honor vendor.
2.) Why is this simple fix taking so long, wouldnt it just be a better PR move to say we goofed and leave it?
So confused.

It would be really nice if i could spend my god damn honor points on gear…


Yep. Sitting here waiting on them to do something since I need to purchase items before I can continue playing what I’m here for. As are many others.

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This is ridiculous. Perhaps if you hired more people and paid them a fair wage? Maybe hire some of the private server guys. A lot of them seem to know more about this sort of thing. ( the previous statement is SARCASM)
Anyway. I am at honor cap now. Wondering where to spend HONOR. NOT Conquest.
I doubt those vendors went on “vacation” They probably quit and went looking for a better job.

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hurry up do we need to pay you 20$ a month for a working game ffs…

so will you give me some extra honor while I’m sitting at cap waiting to spend points?

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