Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

my druid has bloodthirsty hands on right now. what are u on?

Except I’m not.

You want to believe that the Devs don’t want you to be able to spend Honor for no reason. Which just isn’t the case. They didn’t remove the Honor vendor because they hate you. They removed it because the PvP vendors are connected.

The only one making up wild stuff here is you and the players just saying but why? I listed the exact reasons why. The Devs will fix the bug then both PvP vendors will be back.

Now if the fix requires realm restart next week, then maybe they will work around the clock to detach the vendors and bring the Honor one back by itself. Which again would take work. Obviously they just want to fix the bug, which is a tricky one and removing the PvP vendors since they are connected is the easiest route.

Again does it suck for players? You bet! However this is the reality. I don’t know what else can be said.

I wanted more stash tabs in D4 but again I can’t have that cause the code loads everyone else’s stash in town. It’s just how it was coded. They took a cheap route and built it on the failed D3 system. Now it’s a problem.

Just like how the PvP vendors are connected, it’s an old code wouldn’t be a problem but now it is because of a bug. With that said time for a nice workout.

If they’re going to make players wait a week until it’s fixed, then they should be gifted a week of time.

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The fact that the to overall fix requires a realm restart(likely to roll back the conquest points and gear purchases) is complexity enough alone to justify an intermediate patch to add the honor vendor back. That should require no restarts as they have been able to do that at will for all other instances here.

We are both making estimations here, but it’s illogical to say that adding the honor vendor back would take longer then doing the entire fix. You’ve probably never coded a day in your life.

I mean I know i’m a small minority but me and my few friends leveled up chars specifically to play arena. They have a few days tops to fix this before we just go play something else and then its curtains for cata classic.

I know the average player can just go play dungeons or whatever, but without vendors the game is literally dead to me. It sucks man I work full time and only get so much time to play games, all of my time the past week was slogging through leveling and gearing so I could play arena drop and this is what we get. I want a refund on my sub tbh


Could we at least bring back the honor vendor please. He was a good boy

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Except the vendors are connected. Working on a fix just to add back the honor vendor could complicate the bug fix and prolong that vendor being gone. Again it’s a delicate fix which required removing both vendors. I know not what you want to hear but the Dev don’t hate you and didn’t remove the Honor vendor for no reason.

Nope only you and the few for some reason that can’t grasp the vendors are connected.

Code is interesting, a lot of time it’s not going to just do what you want because of how it was written. Sometimes it prevents us from having nice things. Again I’d still love infinite stash tabs in D4 but someone coded the original game wrong. So it will never happen. That’s how code works. They can’t fix it.

So when you say just change the original code and give you what you want immediately that isn’t how it works. Some things can’t be done. The vendors are connected and fixing the bug required both to be removed. If you think adding back 1 honor vendor is easy, it sounds about as easy as just not having other players stash tabs loaded when in town in D4. Just turn it off right? Well guess what it can’t be done.

I think I’m gonna work on Back and Tri today at the gym.

i dont think classic has an armory

15 years and 2 days with no honor vendor or conq vendor.

That’s all I needed to hear lol you’re a troll who has no idea what he’s talking about. Good luck in the gym buddy, leave code conversations to the people who do it.

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that’s a good question … that I also been wondering about !! @Kellydabear

WHY Take Out the HONOR VENDOR ???

btw: this ain’t the first time Blizzard messed up this Expansion :wink:


Because it’s connected to the Valor vendor. Removing one removes the other.

Scroll up.

Except I’ve listed facts and you just don’t want to listen.

The Devs don’t hate you. They want to fix the problem. The vendors are connected and so they had to be removed.

Maybe you should work out and clear your head? I love how you think you can fix this problem. Not all coding problems can be fixed. If they could then we would all just have the things that we want. Like infinite stash tabs in D4 or Honor vendors.

The only one here just spouting random information and crying but why don’t they just…I’ve explained it. You just aren’t listening. Go touch some grass and relax. Both vendors will be back. Go maybe grind some Rep for enchants or something.

At least he is a nice troll but yeah, we had the honor vendor without conquest gear in the game yet prior to this, and anyone who has worked in the tech field knows you always back up before you overwrite - I’m suspecting they have done otherwise lol

I know lol. I’ve already said that is irrelevant. Both vendors arrived at the same time because they are connected. You can’t remove 1 vendor to fix the bug. You have to remove both regardless of whether gear wasn’t at the valor vendor or not.

I’m just repeating myself I listed info for yall. Have a good day.

I really hope you are planning on removing and reprimanding those who abused this exploit. I was so excited for the start of S9, and then at work just reading about how people are getting full geared, and then get home and I can’t even buy anything.

Should ban people a week per extra piece they bought. Watching Twitch and reading the forums, they were 100% knowledgeable they were abusing an unintended exploit.

Exploit early, exploit often. :smirk:

So in your mind how programming works in that things are connected but shouldn’t be…

I get it you are trying to save face. Since I am working from home on my development job I will do some mentoring for you. Objects in an open world video game each have a number of properties that belong exclusively to them and define how they interact in the world these include but are not limited to: xyz coodrinates for their position, character modeling attributes, object type (vendor, mob, etc), and… an active flag! which is why blizzard has always been able to disable and enable single vendors throughout wow’s history.


Source for them being “linked”?

Maybe you’re the one who is misunderstanding? The cataclysm honor vendor has existed for the entire cataclysm classic expansion (since at least May 20th), without there ever being a conquest vendor. People have been grinding for (and obtaining) their level 85 bloodthirsty armor this entire time. The conquest vendor was introduced yesterday, by itself, with the weekly reset and the launch of cataclysm arenas/RBGs. By your logic, if the honor vendor was in the game, then the conquest vendor had to be in the game, too, right? Well, that isn’t right. You’re literally spewing misinformation.

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Can we get an update or an ETA?


This is strange. Someone claiming they are connected like this while we had only the honor vendor before.

Let’s say they can’t figure out how to have 1 vendor and not the other… THEN REMOVE THE ITEMS FROM THE CQ VENDOR AND PUT IT BACK TO HOW IT WAS BEFORE THE BREAK!