Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

Who was it? Their armory would be a good way to counter the people downplaying the bug and trying to say it’s only 1 or 2 extra pieces.

Please fix the issue of people who bought conquest gear without a cap and have an unfair advantage over everyone else in honor gear.

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Why on earth are the honor vendors gone tho? DAYS will go by while the 2 Blizzard employees still there fix the conquest issue and all of us sitting here honor capped and can’t buy honor gear to be ready to get conquest points when it’s eventually half way fixed to break again.

Leave it to Blizzard to remove the Honor Vendor just to fix a completely separate vendor. Make it make sense…


Want me to ask some people who run pservers for free how to make the game work?

I’m sure they could give Blizzard some tips.

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And? Do you seriously think this one person or the handful of people like them are going to gatekeep the entire community somehow?

There are ZERO rating requirements on any gear besides the 2200 weapons AND you get conquest points for losing arenas / RBGs so even in a fairytale land situation where you just cant win games because everyone you face is an exploiter and has way more gear, you can still get all your points by brute forcing games.

I literally ran into 3 diff teams yesterday that were just running out completely naked for fast losses for a quick cap. The people who caught on and bought a ton of gear aren’t bricking the season at all, and the competitive element (titles) are months away. By then everyone will have full gear anyway so this bug and the few who were able to capitalize on it have zero impact on the integrity of the season

If I were a dev among a group of other devs that hate pvp and wish I could remove it from my main project, I might test the removal in a lesser product and see what the impact would be by:

Lower the cap.
Remove the vendors to where everyone is capped and unable to work for progress, thus giving them the choice of pve or logout.
Measure the fallout.
If the fallout is huge, then I would know not to implement the removal. If it is a huge fallout, I could fall back on the bug excuse, put the vendors back, say I am increasing the cap to counter the bug and downtime.

That’s what I would do if I hated pvp as a dev and wanted to remove it from my main product and want to run a safe test.

I guarantee you I’d be fired from my job in software development if I released a bug like this into production, told my boss I have no idea how to fix it. Then took more than 24 hours to communicate any ideas on how to fix it. It’s a joke that whoever is working on this still has a job.


Okay, the conquest was bugged so you removed the conquest vendors. Why in the world is there still no honor vendor after almost a full day now, they have nothing to do with the conquest glitch.

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They are separate NPCs, ergo separate game objects and as separate game objects they have their own object life cycles which includes their own active flag. It is how game programming works. Disabling both was a knee jerk reaction and can be rectified. They in no way “NEED” to remove both in order to disable one. It is just not how objects work in ANY video game.


That are connected.

Actually that isn’t how programming works. The vendors are connected. Should they be connected probably not. However they are. Why do people load other players stashes in D4 which is the reason more stash tabs can’t be added. Well… It’s sometimes a thought for coding that didn’t go as planned. Which is what we have here. The vendors are connected which it wouldn’t be a problem unless you have this situation.

They do because they are in fact connected. It wasn’t a knee jerk reaction. They are trying to fix the problem (which isn’t an easy fix) which means they had to also remove the Honor vendors. Both the vendors will be back when the problem is fixed.

What I’m saying is pretty obvious and denying it with napkin programming theory that you have doesn’t change the reality. The vendors are indeed connected and both had to be removed to fix the bug.

Because I highlighted in this thread several times, they are connected.

Company just doesn’t care anymore. The few thousand of us who were looking forward to cata pvp are a drop in the bucket, why invest in devs to fix all the pvp bugs, if we all quit today it wouldn’t change their bottom line so they don’t care.

esports tournament soon btw

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Someone should ask the warrior how he knows so much about their code to give such an absolute reason as to why both vendors were removed.

Is it just wild conjecture or… what?

It seems to me the man doesn’t understand selecting within arrays or objects, which is ironically the source of the issue. I’d even go so far as to speculate the warrior himself is who messed up conquest and pvp vendors.

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You can say all that, but even if they are connected I don’t see a reason why an incremental change couldn’t be done to bring back just the honor vendor while they work on the permanent fix. They just don’t care enough about people waiting to buy gear with honor.

I’m sure making the changes to disconnect them would be less work then whatever they have planned to try and fix their mistakes.

This change would take longer than the fix. They would have to rewrite the original code which could complicate the fix even more. This is why you can’t have what you want.

When they bring the PvP vendors back, both will be back just like how they arrived the first time even though there was no valor gear available. These vendors are connected. It doesn’t matter if we don’t like it, doesn’t matter if it’s inconvenient. They can’t wave a wand and bring back the Honor vendor for you.

Now should this all of been tested and a far better Alpha/Beta done? Yup. So that way they could of spent weeks fixing bug interactions instead of trying for a fix on the fly.

You’re making stuff up bro. All of this is modifying the original code, you act like cherry picking the honor vendor change into this fix branch would be a major issue. Do you work at blizzard or something you seem to have intimate knowledge of their code base that no one else does?

Nice work, you guys fixed the valor points issue in 30 minutes! See you guys and the conquest/honor vendor next Tuesday so I can play the game again!

I hope that when they put the honor vendor back that it at least has the Druid Hands in there… yeah druids dont have pvp hands… really interesting