Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

False… we’ve been able to buy honor gear this entire time up until now

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That’s great and all but what about honor vendors? Cmon, they didn’t need to go too. We have honor cap and nothing to do with it…

Still no honor vendors. For a lot of people, there’s no incentive to play. You’re not upholding your end of this agreement, blizzard.


lol not even the biggest f up this expansion, let alone ever done. when this cata prepatch came out people were able to do 1 battleground and go from level 10 to level 75 lolll


Well I dinged 85 today on my rogue, have 4k honor I grinded. Havn’t even wanted to do PvP yet because I can’t offload any of these points for the gear due to no vendor. I always have weird bad luck, I mean I dinged the same day that this has happened for the first time in the history of WoW that I know of. Never before have they actually lost a vendor.

I guess the only thing to do is keep doing heroics for lolPvE gear?? I’m in a pvp guild on the only actual pvp server (grob), and all I usually do is pvp, but i’m bored so I guess i’ll keep killing monsters lmao…

I’m still surprised this has stayed a thing for almost a whole day so far. That’s wild for such a large gaming company. Makes ya’ll look like you’re some indie game, and I know this is a common joke, but its a common joke for a reason because ya’ll keep taking forever to fix small bugs and it’s like your budget is almost nothing for such a large scale game, some companies like Jagex spend more on their upkeep than you guys seem to and they are super small in comparison to blizzard so what the hell is up?

So exactly what is the deal with conquest gear vendor?

Why does this game even have a sub fee anymore? I got it 10 years ago when there were GM’s and developers.

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Blizzard screwed up and the vendors were using your cq cap as if it were a currency and would reset; so you could ultimately purchase the gear without cq.

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People will say that the sub is for retail and classic is just a bonus. But when you buy the classic upgrades for retail prices, it becomes it’s own product. They certainly aren’t upholding their end of the agreement. This isn’t a f2p mode of the game yet they behave as if it is.

Oh ok… one of my friends purchased 1 piece of CQ gear last night so was curious.


No rollback is required if that’s the issue that’s preventing them from putting the vendors back in. The cap is already fixed, you cant get infinite conquest points anymore. Yes a very small amount of players have more then 2 pieces already, or weapons but that doesn’t totally brick the season. Under normal circumstances everyone is going to be fully geared in just a few weeks anyway.

Keeping the vendors out of the game for an indeterminate amount of time while trying to figure out how to put everyone on a completely level field and probably screwing something else up in the process is more damaging than just letting a super small percentage of players be slightly ahead when the whole gearing process is very fast with a weekly 4k cap. By the time rating matters at the end of season, everyone’s going to have everything anyway even without a bug so “let the boys play” Blizz.

OR Alternatively if the cap ISNT fixed, screw it just let everyone have full gear why not? PvP is just a “mini” game right? Just Oprah gear to everyone and no one can be mad. Private servers sell full sets on a vendor and people keep playing them so I can’t see being able to powerfarm full gladiator gear in a day or two being poorly received by the PvP community

Can we get the honor vendors out? Or hotfix to no honor cap or something, today was my day to farm honor.


During tbc pre patch there was a ~12 hour window where you were earning 10x the honor you were supposed to. People capped their honor in 2-3 hours of gameplay. Then they fixed it and it took ~30 hours of bg’s to get the same amount of honor others got in 2-3 hours.

They never removed the honor people got during the bugged window.

Likely will be the same with this current issue. They will not be removing people’s conquest or items bought. Some people will have 5-6 more conquest pieces this week than they are supposed to.

Still no honor vendors? :confused:

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You aren’t reading. Try it again.

List just gets better and better

rollbacks lol

Just saw my first full conquest geared person. Sucks because I know there is 0 chance Blizz will roll this back. Thanks for ruining the first season of Cata Blizz.


Who exploited? How about some names? Someone make a thread. I want to view their armory to make sure they get rolled back.

hurry the F up blizzard. I have wall street interns in their younger 20s working for me putting in double the hours that would fix this on a dime!