Conquest PvP gear obtained week 1 remain "Unranked" forever?

anyone else hate world of warcraft players


I do agree the whole honor grind for pvp thing was stupid, we shouldnt have to farm out 100k honor per char every season and they should stick with the scaling pvp gear on that front. Ever since that change in shadowlands s2 pvp has been relegated to being a mini game. They somehow made the elite pvp gear even worse this expansion and blizzard themselves are admitting its a mini game by removing it from the vault to put in a world content vault. Currently everyone stays in their own lane and the 11 seasons of fomo 1800 sets ain’t doing the trick anymore, and I wouldn’t be surprised if PvP is less than 1% of the player base at this point. Players being incentivized and rewarded for raiding, doing keys, and arenas at a top level is basic MMO structure. You are never forced to do other aspects of the game it is merely an incentive to try the other game types which the game is lacking heavily.

Hmm, this seems oddly low. Wasn’t there a hotfix to increase it recently? Because we got two tiers worth of ilev upgrades this season and pvp gear seems to have only gotten one?

Okay, yeah, sure, but having okay-decent pve gear from pvping and vice versa has kind of been their thing recently and this season it feels unintended that pvp gear is so weak in pve.

434 last season was weak relative to 447, but it was decent.

Now it’s…463 to 483-489?

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Yea i noticed my gloves did that even though it upgraded to challenger or w/e. Deff a bug.

Its something bugged with the upgrade track, CQ vendor is Veteran track and vault was somehow hero track, would hope its just spaghetti code and not an intentional change

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thank you chimes

this remains the arena forums
anyone who cares about this, here, is lost

what are those? Do you pvp for those?


Remember those useless bags that used to fill your inventory?

Blizzard made them not useless.

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Shadowlands was the WORST gearing season to exist. Imagine, trying to grind into the 1800 bracket so you could upgrade all of your 1600 gear, but you keep getting pushed back because around 1750, you’re going against people who have full 1800 gear, roughly 15-20% more powerful than your 1600 set. Lots of losses came down to gear and not skill. I’m glad they rid the upgrade system; it was terribad.