Conquest points, where did they go?

How are we to grind conquest gear now? There seems to be no way to earn conquest points. This Evo is sitting in all green PVP gear and I can’t seem to grind any points to upgrade my gear.


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Conquest is not earnable currently until August 26th: PvP Currency Changes and Dates. This is a routine process they do with currency between seasons or expansions to keep people from going into a new season with tons of currency to buy the new gear. Albeit it’s slightly different this time due to the early access.


Conquest actually isn’t earnable until s1 start I think


Conquest actually isn’t earnable until s1 start I think

You’re correct, I misunderstood that section of the bluepost.


Bummer. So I am stuck PVPing in green gear vs fully geared players.

When does the new PVP season start?


The new expansion launches soon. You won’t be pvping in greens vs fully geared players for long, just a few more days. Less if you got the early access

I don’t know, I’m super pumped about having to heal players in boosted greens, since I’ll be queuing while I’m leveling. Hoping to catch the new BG.

I was kind of hoping they were going to let us buy the Conquest gear with honor. Really no reason not to. I was caught flat-footed with the change. Needed two more days to get my weapon. Now I have ~1450 Conquest points and no way to upgrade my weapon.

In the overall scheme of things, it’s not that bad. I was just hoping to have a better weapon for levelling.


Based on how the Beta plays, you’ll be more than fine in just honor gear up till like 75ish.

So I guess it won’t be available then? It’s safe to spend my honor on all my toons? Blizzard won’t suddenly give us the better gear for honor after I buy everything?

No, you won’t be able to buy conquest gear any more.

You might be able to get a better weapon in LFR with the Bronze Bullions.

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I am excited for this new BG. The last one they made was just awful. This one might be good, I haven’t played it yet

Neither, I have watched some videos about it.

But there aren’t many people queuing in the Beta, at least, not below 80.

Unfortunately there weren’t many people queuing on the max level realm either. I’ve been there since day one and never gotten anything to pop.

Yeah, I’ve never had any luck queueing for new content on the PTRs either. Oh well, 15 hours to go.

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I was hoping to trade my conquest to my two mains to get the mogs.
I came back really late in the Xpack, so never really got to accumulate the conquest.

Just reporting in. Won my first Deephaul Ravine, it’s great, kind of like a mix between WSG and Silvershard Mines. It’s mostly a team fight in mid, with a flag (technically a crystal) and mine carts.

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Haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve been mixing in randoms with my questing. So far, so good! I’m 73 as I type this and easily killing 79s that don’t have pvp gear, LOL.

Word to the wise: DO NOT level with battlegrounds unless you were already a fully geared 70.

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I did it on my lvl 72 druid, who is raid geared, have yet to do it on my monk.

I was hoping that’s basically what it was. I like that the carts both circle mid, force some good fights