Conquest Earnings Increase -- Sept. 28

Is there also any chance the developers will increase the honor-income in BGs back to Legion-levels?

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PvP would be amazing if the item level wasn’t so dispersed…

Yeah, I guess having the entire PvP community upset is better than a slight open world advantage.


it seems soo. PvE crowd wont accept PvP gear having more ilvl and more power for world content. And we dont have the old scaling because we already have warmode.



You post this less than 24 hours before reset, do you know how many people this pisses off? MY TIME FEELS WASTED. You dont care about us as players, just as dollar signs. All of us that worked hard and put in the time, do we get a gold reimbursement at 70% of 50k per hour spent in pvp? my time feels wasted. Honestly that’s the only way I see this backtracking rewards system working, once in legion, again in bfa, and for the third time, in SL. Quitting wow for New World tomorrow. I loved this game but this is the final straw, my time feels wasted.


Please look at the thousands of PVP threads that have players begging for the huge gear gap to be fixed
Here is just one of them:
Please, 1 honor set & 1 conquest set


Because instead of running torghast over and over to get it, I quit and did things I actually enjoy.


Now if that conquest can just let players purchase 246 PvP gear at the vendor then you will be onto something. Gear doesn’t need ranks or rating requirements. Until then game is dead.

Thanks for the update but I’ll be playing New World. You still got drastic changes that needs to be made to win back the players.

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Oh my God relax it isn’t even Christmas yet praise the lord bro :pray::pray::pray::heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

Neat. Might try getting back into PvP once the new rating system comes out then.

Really good change, but also just under a year late lol. This should’ve been 9.0.5 the latest really.

But hey a good change is a good change.

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Appreciate this change but also think it needs to increase a little more. conquest gains buffed by 100% and the cap increased, and a honor gains buffed by 100% asell as that cap increased aswell


You must revert PvE iLvL nerf of PvP items as well.

It takes away alot of appeal from PvP gear progress you just devalued it with nerfs.

I was an Elite last season and after 6 months of break I came back but not sure if I’ll participate despite this because I have to do Torghast with my nerfed PvP ilvl.

Stop with different iLvL things already, especially if there is an obligatory PvE to do for progress (Torghast).

When I log in I just dont wanna play actually knowing that I have to do Torghast to be able to PvP… Perhaps I’ll just just waste my game time without playing, I don’t know…

Revert PvE iLvL nerf of PvP gear it was a dire mistake. I was okay with Torghast pre gear nerfs but now you’ve made it unbearable.


If you’re posting you’re already subbed to begin with lmao. And they already fixed soul ash for 9.1.5 so…

People will find a reason to complain about everything I guess… bad timing for you, sure. No one cares though. It’s good for the game and that’s what you should care about not just yourself :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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instead of increasing conquest earning or honor earnings … wouldn’t it be easier to just lower the costs on the merchants ? low purchase prices lower upgrade prices ? instead of fiddling around with scaling percentages ?

or am I missing something there ?

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I love these changes but please please please fix Honor & Conquest gear disparity.

Make Honor Gear relevant in PvP like it has been for the majority of the games lifespan.


Hardly anybody does warmode. PvP realms are no more. You are living in the past.

On PvP realms PvP gear was important for players to be able to defend themselves against predators. The idea that world content has ever been a consideration is nonsense.

Using our PvP gear our PvP guild took the first steps into normal raiding. I guess that was wrong, eh? We should have just stayed staked out at the entrance to HFC killing Alliance raiders as they tried to enter.

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In bfa it was better. Like almost everything and bfa had many issues as well.


In BFA PvP’rs were forced to PvE it was literal garbage. Pretty much how 9.0 was where PvE’rs got forced to PvP.

PvP & PvE are different demographics community wise, don’t force the two into eachother.

Not even true bro have you even turned warmode on in Korthia? It’s pretty much PvP Server Quel’danas.


Grinding honor isnt hard, it’s tedious. Many people who did it before you and I did so in Legion, when there was a smaller ladder to climb. Someone did the math once and in BFA, the Midnight Courser was moved upwards in the system by hundreds of hours of honor. We gained honor 40% faster using the prestige system than we do now with the leveling system.