Conquest Changes

Sorry, but how does that small buff to conquest points will compensate us for the removal of PvP loot from the vault? And what about sockets? Do we still need to fill the vault with PvE content?

Terrible change imo!


Regarding sockets, there is a new crafted item to add sockets to PvP gear, so we’re covered there:


How does this work? Does this share a cd like a weekly? Or just something we can craft, assuming we have the mats?

Please double the conquest earned in Epic Battlegrounds. With the current state of premades, It makes the bracket extremely competitive. I doubt there will ever be a ranked format for Epics, therefor, due to this uniqueness, should reward a lot more conquest and create incentives to play the Massive War Battles.


I can’t believe yall have removed the PvP category…it was the main reason I liked to PvP. Guess it’s time to move on to a new game.

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Instead or removing PVP gear from the vault you could have added a totally separate PVP vault. Then players who chose to participate in both activities would be rewarded for both.


This would’ve been far more ideal, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on week 3 or 4 wanting to also dabble in pve but I took the last 4 options as pvp vaults.

They did this in BFA, no idea why they are going backwards.

But yeah, terrible changes. If you doubled current weekly rewards, most people would be happy. This is such an easy win and, as per usual, Blizzard fumbles.

zero reason why we should need to grind 4k conquest during week 11 for BiS

we should be BiS by the end of week 10 at the latest


The problem with 2 cache, is Raiders will be FORCED to do both PVP and PVE early in the season to get double reward.

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Forced is a pretty strong word. PVP gear is garbage in PVE.


I chose that word on purpose because some will complain that they have to do everything to maximize their week 2 progression. Getting a conquest weapon week 2 + Vendor conquest, can help some classes. This is just one of the reason they stopped doing that, and now they’re doubling down by removing the PVP or PVE choice from vault.

To me this is a good choice because now I know Vault is for PVE.


Here we go another piece to killing pvp. Another interesting reward taken away. What’s next remove world pvp? Remove conquest all together and just give us the gear for free and no effort?

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The problem with 2 cache, is Raiders will be FORCED to do both PVP and PVE early in the season to get double reward.

What? With the exception of the two or three specs that prioritize vers in their stat priorities the great majority of raiders or mythic+ would NOT benefit from having a cache specific to pvp as the stats on the gear would be a in many cases a loss in stats.

Especially with how easy it is to run say +8’s for the pve variant of the gear with better stat allocations.

What if you got a PVP Tier set? A trinket? A two-handed weapon? It’s RNG that is worth trying for.

So 1 extra piece of gear by week 11 to make up for missing 11 vaults? What kind of Blizzard math is that? Double those numbers at a minimum.


I fixed it. :slight_smile:

Make PvP more rewarding, make it more worth people’s time.
After 8 weeks (roughly 2 months) the cap should be removed.

Also, stop with these weird arbitrary numbers like 52, 88, 54, 93…??? Just round them up, make them whole lol, Idk it just bothers me.


See, this looks a lot better. I heartily approve of these suggested changes.

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I would assume the same way you did for items you didn’t get from the vault in in DF? With the NPC? Not sure yet. They were asked about tier acquisition during the PvP interview and they didn’t have an answer yet on how it would work.

These numbers are almost exactly what I had in my head. Amazing.