Conquest Changes

Why is the first daily win of RBG lower than the subsequent win? Is it a bonus added to the subsequent win number?

Philosophy behind the change is good, but the actual change is comically bad.


Thats the thing though, things sold by the vendor are put on the Champion track. The only way to get PvP pieces of gear on a higher track was through the vault, the higher the rating you were the higher PvE ilvl it had and higher track.

You can only upgrade the Champion piece of PvP gear so much before you can’t upgrade anymore.

Edit: If the vendor follows the same logic and puts the gear on a higher track dependent on rating, there’s bound to be complaints from the PvE side about a 2400 player buying Conquest gear that is on the Myth track and how “unfair” it is. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Some might get 8 perfect items, being fully geared by week 5, while others might get nothing and wait until week 8 to be fully geared.

This new method puts everyone on the same gearing path, but it should be faster. Either remove cap at week 6-7 or increase the cap for each week and boost the conquest gains.

I think it would be fine if it was 1/12 (or how many rank there is between Champion and Mythic track), you would still need the rating to farm the Aspects or A LOT of lower aspects to grind up.

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conq increase is way too low. you can easily get 800 conq worth of gear a week from vault, and at a minimum got 550 worth. Conq cap needs to increase by at least 800 every week.


Could they also be planning to adjust the costs of conquest gear so that this is equal? If not I don’t see how this is their solution.

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As a Fury warrior it’ll take FIVE weeks to get a 2nd conquest weapon, that’s if you save up for those without spending on any other piece of conquest gear, At least with the Vault we had a chance to get it earlier if lucky.

Conquest cap should be raised at a continuously increasing pace at least. Say each week it goes up a minimum additional 100 conquest on top of the 600 increase.

Week 1 600conq
week 2 700conq
week 3 800conq

Additionally I feel as if the conquest earned could be adjusted if the Cap is increased in the future. Epic BGs could give 150conq for the daily win and 60 for subsequent wins as an example. Conquest should be more viably earned by those who don’t partake in rated content as much as others.


I think the current DF s4 rates were pretty solid and should be considered.


As of June 25th Gearing up from M+ has become significantly easier.

The player base have clearly expressed dissatisfaction with how conquest is being handled and nothing has been done about it. Meanwhile, changes have been made to M+ affixes to make PvE gearing more easy.

Gearing up in PvP and PvE should be the same risk vs reward and not waste players time.

What additional changes are going to now be made to the purposed changes to conquest that will bring them into line with how much more easier it will now be to gear up via PvE?

I would still highly recommend these changes to the conquest caps and treasure tables.

Every serious raider and M+ player will be fully geared after roughly 8 weeks (2 months), you should further incentivize people to PvP and not timegate them so harshly.

reminder to everyone: the removal of needing to buy weapons has drastically decreased the gear grind.

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Going to just copy paste this here from a thread I made:

How will we be upgrading our PvP gear’s base ilvl (not the PvP ilvl) past the Veteran track in TWW? With the removal of the PvP Vault, any Conquest gear we buy from the PvP vendor is locked to the Veteran track and there seems to be no way to obtain PvP gear higher than the Veteran track.

How it currently works in Dragonflight, with the PvP Vault, is that PvP gear obtained from Vault will be placed on a higher upgrade track depending on our PvP rating. In simple terms, the higher your rating is, the higher upgrade track its placed on (if you’re 2400+, PvP gear obtained from the Vault is placed on the Myth track).

Will gear bought from the Conquest vendor properly be placed on the correct upgrade track that reflects our rating? Or are we just screwed and there will be no way to get any PvP gear past the Veteran track besides the one time 1600 tier token reward?

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