The 100% bonus rep buff is not counting towards Conjurer Margoss. Shouldn’t it being that it’s a Legion rep?
Only factions that offer paragons get the benefit of the buff.
If that’s true that goes against the official announcement which stated that only the Rajani and Uldum Accord reps are excluded.
It is true as that post is from Blizzard.
They were supposed to update the blog with that information. I guess they have not had a chance to do so yet.
Yes, that’s what the quoted thread Kyzera linked says-- there was further clarification the day it went live. It is likely they had intended it to be paragon reps from the beginning, it just didn’t make it in the initial pass of information.
Margoss, Fisherfriends, Talon’s Vengeance, Honeyback are all excluded, among some others, I imagine.
Wowhead made a post about which factions benefit and which ones do not.