Congratulations on destroying raiding!

That’s just going to happen with the way people on the top end of the spectrum play that content. Any advantage becomes “necessary”. The solution is sure as hell not deleting content that many players enjoy and consume.

Realistically, Blizzard can’t design the game for top 100 world guilds. It’s just not sensible.


I would rather gouge my eyes out than do any more m+ than I have too. What the M+ kids that reeeeeee every time someone criticises their system don’t get is that there’s a huge segment of people that want to have nothing to do with M+.

Sadly, with how easy gearing from M+ has become (because you get heroic and mythic level loot for failing a key) compared to how little gear drops from raids, you are forced to participate in M+ or gimp yourself severely.

Don’t worry, it’s only alpha/beta/prepatch/9.0/9.0.5/9.1/9.2/9.3/pre-expansion patch 10.0 will fix it!


Just find a less hardcore guild bro. Christ. You’re doing that to yourselves.

M+ is too damn popular to remove so people asking for Blizzard to walk it back are kidding themselves.


Clearly you know so much. Make you own game other wise shut up and leave

How about a universal currency that you can obtain from raiding, m+ or PvP?

Damn that was tough.

He’s not talking about top world guilds, he’s talking about the other 99.9% of raiding guilds.

NONE OF THIS is about the top 100 raiding guilds.


Well yeah. It’s an infinitely spammable source of loot that rewards better-than-raid gear for failing. It’s inconceivable that it’s popular!

Put a weekly lockout on loot, and stop rewarding failure and all the people running it “not for the loot just for fun” will suddenly stop…


Blizzard’s track record the last 4 years has been to kick sand into raiders’ faces over and over again, so consider us skeptical.

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Yeah so Ion basically saying “FU raiders and world content consumers, pandering to M+ runners is our top priority”.


Nothing about what he said addresses the issue.

Less BOE drops, more boss drops.


nothing is ever going to destroy raiding. just stop.


I’ll take you up on that. Either way, show us your main.

And again.
10 bosses CN = 20 pieces of loot = 2 hours TOPS. So that’s what, 6 minutes per piece of loot.

1 piece of M+ loot = 2 hours.

Sure, M+ theoretically can yield more loot, but it also means players invest more time. So, why should someone who spends 1.5h/week get same loot # as someone who invests hours?

That’s also not true. Highest ilevel gear comes from Mythic raiding, as M+ now has ilevel cap. This is done to enhance raiding and encourage people to do Mythic raiders if they want the best gear possible.

Do you see how I explained my answers rather than just saying “No”. I hope you will do the same lol. Otherwise…well. You’d making a fool out of yourself.


Not really. He’s saying, “Stay subscribed guys, we’ll get to that in a few months, in the next “content” patch that only contains systems and tuning changes.”


and that’s a good thing

Mythic raiding still gives higher level gear so raiding is not dead

Why don’t they give us back bonus rolls :frowning_face:

Would go a long way.

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I love how whenever any good changes are made to the game some entitled “you’re all worse players than I am, the content I do is the hardest, you don’t deserve loot” person comes along and destroys the mood even though they didn’t even read everything about the changes.

Please, for the love of God, get out of your “mE rAidEr, mE dEsErvE lOot, m+ bAby cOnteNt yOu nOt dEsErvE LoOt” attitude. It’s so unbelievably annoying.

On another note: For all you raiders out there who aren’t acting like entitled babies, of course I hope changes are made to loot drops in raiding (and m+) as well and you can feel rewarded by it again.


Bro, it rewards jack $$$$ right now and tons of people are playing it. Ilvl 210 for clearing a M15? Lol.

Do you understand that M+ is the worst loot system right now, prior to Valor, and that’s why we’re getting Valor, right? Heroic Shriekwing, a boss you can clobber completely hammered, drops higher ilvl loot than than M15 loot. That’s absurd. That’s absolutely absurd.

You can be KSM and some random noobs PUG’ing heroic nathria are getting higher ilvl loot than what you get outside of your 1 item a week.

I think raiding might need a slight bump after this change to Valor, but like… only slightly. This idea that raiders are massively oppressed is a joke. M+ still has no means of getting 233 gear even after this change.


No, it’s entirely based on Blizzard’s release schedule. When there are 4 months between raid tiers (Uldir, BRF, ToS, etc.) you don’t have time to sit around and gear casually. That’s very much by Blizzard’s design.

Now, if all the raid tiers going forward are going to be 8 months, FINE. And it would be great if Blizzard could commit to that so we don’t have to worry anymore.

When’s the next raid coming out? Nobody knows. Could be April? Could be July? We have no idea, because Blizzard won’t tell us anything.

Many of us have gotten screwed in the past by taking a more leisurely route through a tier, and then we get “OH LOL NEW RAID IN 2 WEEKS BTW - BETTER HURRY!” from Blizzard.

Who the hell is asking for M+ to be removed? Raiders just want proportional rewards, rather than being the WORST form of gearing in the game, as it currently is.