Congratulations on destroying raiding!

You are mad at the wrong people and frankly you should be happy for the players that were left out too.

But rather than celebrate a win for your fellow players you’ve decided there is nothing in it for you, so let’s burn the place down and hate on the improvement.

That’s silly.

Now I do understand your frustration, and I feel that Raiders will see some love also, you deserve it, though likely in a later patch, as the uproar, I’m sure is only just starting.

The dramatic tone is fun, especially as you’re dressed like Butterflyman, but I don’t think raiding will be destroyed if you have another gearing avenue.

Good luck!


You don’t get to argue it both ways. Either you can whine about loot from bricked keys, or you can whine about the 220 upgrades, but the people who are bricking 14s and the people who have KSM from pushing challenging content are not the same set of people.


Do you realize lots of people raid for the experience and achievements, not the loot?

The improvements to m+ help many raiders.


People will still raid for the fun of raiding, its not all about loot.

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Yeah but a casual like OP wont get that m8.

I like that VP made a return here, though i honestly think they should give both Raids and Mythic Dungeons Valor points to farm and upgrade with.


He isn’t entirely wrong.

Raiders who are pushing mythic early will now have the expectation to cap valor(Also get KSM) and conquest points(Get 2100)+.

It’s going to be a very unenjoyable experience for those who just really like raiding.

My best gear this tier came from PvP this tier, I can’t stand PvP - look at how many pieces I’m wearing. I’ve been forced into this because it’s my best.


Cool, so we can just remove the loot changes from M+ too then because it’s not all about the loot, and m+ already gives more loot for less effort. Win win!

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Some people will sure, but people who are pushing mythic early on the tier are going to want to be best equipped for that and that means conq capping and vp capping.

Any raider who isn’t 2100+KSM week 1 is throwing.

Shut up and wait for full changes to come out. Tier sets currency for raiding etc .

Show us your main. I want to see you all 15+ cleared with +++ on timer…Since it is so easy.

Lol what?
Do the math. 1 run = 30m. 1 piece of loot in the majority of times. That’s 20%. So to get 1 piece is 2 hours of TIMING. And you will only get a piece, just like in raiding, if loot table allows it and if you don’t out gear that current loot slot.

Our vault is the same as yours by loot count. You clear raid ones —takes what? 1.5 hours? we have to do 10 M+ runs. That’s 5+ hours. See the difference?


Everyone who raids does m+ as well. Do you just cry for the sake of it?


How is a green orc a maghar warrior tffffffff.

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Citation needed. They might do 1 m+ a week for vault like i do but there isn’t a 100% crossover.

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With the horrible rate of loot drop, you will not complete a full set by end of cycle.


I am confident the next patch will boost raiding. That will make 2 patches in a row without content, just adjustments that could and should have happened in the alpha.

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Armory is slow to update.

Not wrong, nobody even wants to do alt heroic anymore because gear drops are so miserable. It’s just a waste of time.


Data mining he just begun, they said they would make raiding and M+ feel more rewarding when you don’t get loot.

The changes are only for mythic + , people need to just wait and see what changes they have for raiding

It’s not that people won’t want to raid - a lot of people love raiding.

The problem is that the Raider Tax keeps getting steeper and steeper, as raiding becomes less and less rewarding.

In BfA, you had to do M+ every week to get gear, because the raids were tuned around it.

In Shadowlands, you had to do PvP AND M+ every week to get gear, because the raids were tuned around it.

In 9.0.5, you’ll also have to farm M+ for currency.

And when the 9.1 new raid comes out, you’ll have to PvP AND farm M+ AND farm M+ for currency AND learn and do the new raid.

It’s going to break people. Blizzard needs to let people raid by raiding, like the game was originally designed.