Congrats to Method

A good example of Blizzard choosing to go the other direction would be C’thun.

There was a giant wall in the fight, while some people claimed it was impossible, other theory crafters have stated with modern class stacking and enough time and gear farming it would have been theoretically possible.

Blizzard waited forever to apply any fixes to the fight, it was something like 80 days. By the time a fix was finally implemented, enough guilds had reached said wall that when it came down a ton of guilds got the kill within such a short period that the accomplishment was arguably diluted.

This is obviously the most extreme example of Blizzard choosing to implement fixes on bosses, but the point remains the same.

A “fast” fix benefits guilds in the lead, as they get to begin working on whatever new phase opens up due to said fix.

In this case I would agree with you that Method received the bigger advantage due to changes, I am only trying to highlight that waiting longer would not make it “fair”. Rather the advantage would be shifted to guilds 3-4-5-6-7-8-9 etc to reach the “wall”.

If Blizzard had waited to implement the fix 2 weeks from now, and some random guild that had reached the wall 5-6 days after Limit and Method snuck in and secured world first, it would feel like a hollow victory, or if they waited so long and nerfs were so heavy handed that 10 guilds killed it within a 24 hour period, it would also leave you feeling like there wasn’t a true victor.

In my opinion, quickly implemented “light” nerfs are the best solution.

I am not arguing that the way this race played out was 100% fair, just that waiting for reset is not necessarily better. I don’t know that there is a solution that is across the board fair, other than a global release where Blizzard does not offer any changes whatsoever until the boss dies, but this presents a whole new set of potential problems. (not the global release, I think that Blizzard should 100% do this next raid tier)

:rofl::rofl:When I wake up in the morning the first thing I mediate on is the awesomeness of a guild and/or cry about how another guild failed.:rofl::rofl:

That said congrats to Method.

Does it really make your life any different? lol

Pretty sure the majority of Europe and NA don’t give two poots about anything going on here so to say anything about either regarding this game is silly. Carry on.

I think that is called being mature and an adult. Nothing to do with nationality.

o.O What’s the point behind this? We all enjoy our hobbies, and all hobbies have a community for the most part. So what if Jim from some random office in London doesn’t know who Method is? Within our community, the world race is meant to be fun. It’s fine if you don’t find it fun, but saying that what they did means nothing because people outside of our community / internet circle dunno about it doesn’t mean anything. Nor should we actively seek to devalue the accomplishments of not only Method, but all those involved in the race.

Many guilds were right up Method’s butt this time around, with around thirteen guilds on Azshara when Method won. This was one of the closest races we had yet, and a good moment for Warcraft, considering how many people got involved, and how much attention other guilds had gotten. Even Method’s stream had showcased other guilds while Method was on break from all over the world that consented to their streams being shown / commentated, and it was a good opportunity for mythic guilds around the world, and a good cause. They raised close to 50 thousand dollars for charity to Save the Children Foundation.

At that point? Can you really come in with a comment like this when that much money was donated to charity to help children in need?

IRL the EU economy is in the toilet with multiple banks and manufacturing completely tanking. In game you have a minor advantage because NA players cannot just get 5 weeks off from work to play a game.

Also lets not even get started that Blizzard for SOME GENIUSSSSS reason decided to hold the pvp tournament qualifiers for Blizzcon at the same time knowing that members of all the top guilds are on those teams.

This race was rigged for Method to win. They had a losing strat until Blizzard made the most complete and random nerf to the fight that 100% gave Method the advantage.


But they have been in the Wow world first races lately. Get over it and move on. And really “toxic” EU people, like they have the market cornered on toxicity. I mean just looking at this forum and and trade chat proves that, right? :roll_eyes:

Who did what?

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Darn, they did not get bailed out as US banks.
True, picture is not perfect, but it’s much better then US. Look at the Detroit for example and it’s gonna just get worse as tech giants leech the life out of everything that is left in US.

Yet 12398731278 threads whining about flying are okay?

Also, Limit was a lot more fun to watch and imo deserved the world first.

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In all honesty, why do people care so much? Seems completely pointless.


Did what…?

Is this that worlds first thing…? isn’t there always only like… 2 guilds that ever get close to it, and only 1 guild that usually wins?

I mean… grats for doing the same thing over and over again?

I might have cared if there were more people in the running… but probably not, since apparently only raiders are allowed world firsts now, as per blizzard it’s apparently wrong for profession people to rush for realm firsts maxing out their stuff.

But raiders rushing to clear the raid first is okay.

LOL wut?

“only raiders are allowed world firsts?”

This is a completely community driven event, it is not officially supported by Blizzard. There is no in game “world first achievement”. Blizzard doesn’t “allow” anything, they release a raid, and players within the community have demonstrated enough interest in who kills the last boss first to turn the race into a pretty massive and entertaining event with livestreams and casters and sponsors. Method even raised over $60,000 for charity streaming progress. None of the sponsors include Activision or Blizzard Entertainment btw.

You can have your own community driven “race to world first” crafting event if you want to, or race to cap your reputations…Blizzard isn’t stopping you, just nobody would care or tune in.

Blizzard flat out removed realm first professions after Pandaria, saying that apparently it’s somehow bad for people to try to max out their professions as soon as possible.

That was what I was referring to.

I don’t really care about the world first races. it’s always the same people over and over again.

It’s not even surprising anymore, no one even pretends to think someone besides Method or Limit have a chance.

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How can i join Method ?


Except for crucible of storms when Pieces won? in literally the last raid?

Wasn’t the because Method and Limit basically didn’t care about it, cause it was a 2 boss raid that didn’t provide them much benefits at all?

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No, they very much cared, Method came in 2nd, and going back to Legion Exorsus, the Russian guild, took Nighthold

Edit: I don’t think Limit cared to try as hard in Crucible, but Method definitely did

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Also, as stated above, there is no “world first achievement” in game. It is a completely community driven event that Blizzard does not support. You are free to organize and host your own “race to world first” for professions, rep grinds, AP grinds, etc…nobody is stopping you.

However…good luck, with that.

I mean, okay?

Still don’t see what that has to do with my original post, where I was just aggravated that realm firsts were stripped out of the game, but blizzard seems oh too happy to celebrate a race for raiding.

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But it wasn’t Blizzard. The community did everything, what are you not understanding?

The most Blizzard did was shoot method a “gratz” tweet. You are mad at Blizzard for this tweet or what?