Congrats, Draenei Frost Mage, You Win

I like how when people cry about getting ganked and camped people usually say to suck it up PvP happens, which I agree with, but if you troll the opposite faction in any other way it’s a “douche move” or you’re “scum who probably hits their dog”.

If it was the same faction then sure, that’s a dick move, but opposing faction? Part of the fun of the game is faction conflict. Trolling the opposite faction is fun and this was a way better and more satisfying way then just ganking you.

My hat goes off to that Draenei Mage, your reaction is just the icing on the troll cake.

But I’m supposed to believe only the big bad and evil Horde grief like this…

Looks like I found a target to gank. Respect that you don’t hide behind an alt while saying that.

That one and the Minfernal were the hardest of the wild pets for me to get. I got my Yellow Junkhopper in the middle of the night. Good luck, OP, and don’t give up!

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Oh that is just wrong. I have been so looking for that frog pet.

(gives Monza a giant cookie and a gentle hug)


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Just so you know, OP, not all of us alliance players are that garbage.

No… Sorry for your loss. I spent nine hours to find a Duskytooth so I know the pain, as for Yellow Junkhopper though, I suggest you to go to 34.0 79.6 and just camp there, there’s three or four Fleeting Frog spawn point on that shore. You can just kill those and force Yellow Junkhopper to spawn there, I got mine in about one or two hours.

Lol this reminds me of my first post on this forum. :upside_down_face:

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Yep. This is how I got mine. Enter the dungeon, run to the beach…if nothing is there, leave and reset. Only took me about 4 resets to find one.

There’s no other choice.

You need to track that man down and give him the Count of Monte Cristo treatment.

You need to destroy everything that they have ever built and ever will build.


They probably fixed that.

32 tries and no pet spawned. That was on Nov 2019.

Nope. Still works.

Hmm… Let me try that later.

I mean, as someone who plays both factions and has seen both sides of the Cata Southern Barrens questing, TJ wouldn’t really be one of my top examples of Alliance atrocities. I’d go with Garrosh’ar Point and the unprovoked Stormheim ambush myself.

I ended up getting one maybe an hour later!

My goal here wasn’t really to make any Alliance/Horde commentary, as killing a critter someone is going for has no faction boundary or War Mode requirements. It was just a crappy thing to do. Yall waving the “pvp happened in a pvp game, haha Horde” flags keep on keepin’ on though.

I think this is my first Grumbles cookie. What is in this thing?


That is a 2000% jerk move on their part, but here’s a junkhopper farming tip.

Hop into the Heroic version of Operation: Mechagon and check the spots on the beach you can access (towards where the Alliance FP would be). If it’s not there, leave the instance and reset, and try again.

Far better than trying to find it in the open world.

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Flour, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, butter, baking soda vanilla and chocolate chips. Or would you rather have a different type of cookies?


I hear the cookies over at the local Gnomespensaries are quite relaxing.

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I’m sorry that happened.

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Cake cookies!

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Butter cookies!

Wait… American hate does right? Forget what I’ve just said please forgive me.