Confirmed Stealth Breaks (New and Updated 9/7)

Reposting for awareness. Original post can be found here:

"Confirmed the following skills are bugged and will break stealth without the target being visible, targeted, or hit by anything.

NEW: 1. Warlock - 100 yard AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight - Whenever a hostile Warlock gains Tormented Crescendo by casting a Shadow Bolt or Drain Soul on a target with Agony, Wither, and Unstable Affliction on it stealth is broken in the ridiculously sized circle around the Warlock.

NEW: 2. Paladin - Sun’s Avatar (Passive) - 20 yard AoE stealth break - Particularly bad with Radiant Glory talented (Wake of Ashes procs Avenging Wrath every 30 seconds) - Applies an 18 second DoT to you, additionally preventing restealth while knocking you out of stealth.

STILL BUGGED: 3. Paladin - Divine Resonance (Divine Toll) - Automatic Judgment knocks you out of stealth even while not visible. It appears the range check is what breaks you out of stealth, no hammer is ever thrown at you. Range is limited to 30 yards and line of sight, but knocks you out of stealth regardless of what direction the Paladin is facing. This happens 3 times, once every 5 seconds.

Thank you Blizzard!
FIXED: 1. Warlock - Malevolence - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight.
FIXED: 2. Warlock - Any shard spenders (Hellcaller hero talent) - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight.
FIXED: 4. Frost Mage Splinterstorm - Frost Splinter / Embedded Frost Splinter hit stealthed targets within 20 yards of the mage casting."

Please do what you can to bring attention to these issues before the season starts.


How does this not have more engagement?

Do people just not use these forums much?

Great post by the way.


Blizzard has shown that they would rather rub salt on the wound than even post “We here you and are actively working on fixes.”


Maybe Reddit gets more engagement?

it’s actually insane how much stealth is breaking right now, You even get randomly put in combat from procs from your bleeds im sure they’ll have it all fix’d when the beta is over

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Small indie company. Also reading is hard.


I’ve also noticed casting slice and dice breaking stealth sometimes too.
Possibly also Adrenaline Rush occasionally, or both.

Edit: Something to do with tails coin flips from Fatebound that causes it to break stealth.


Also, the one “dev” that supposedly actually works on the rogue class refuses to use official forms of communication, and instead only addresses the community in the Discord.


This makes it very difficult, does he talk about the problem in the rogue class discord? :thinking:

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The rogue class discord wouldn’t know how to criticize him if they were given a script. And the discord tends to remove people for creating any loud discourse, it’s worse than the Reddit half the time.

It’s honestly exhausting watching how much they just just pad his ego. Half of them were trying to say the November changes were god tier. It’s ridiculous.

But no, not that I’ve seen. Zero mention from him about acknowledging the ridiculous number of bugs.


I would love for them to lie to our faces like that.

Stealth is the primary defensive ability of Rogues. It being this badly bug would be similarly to Priest just randomly losing PW: Shield, or Warriors having their armor stat get reduce to zero or a Mage not being able to Blink.

If any of the above was occurring as frequently as Rogues experience stealth issues I would expect to see Blizz constantly communicating with those classes. I understand that the fix may not be easy but it would go a long way if we new what was being done.


Bump for brain dead devs


Nothing yet huh?


Someone needs to make a video of coming out of stealth. I dont even feel like its “knocked out” because you dont even get hit. You can just be standing there and come out of it.

It only seems to happen in PVP, which is what I care about.


Returning player, cannot believe how bad stealth bugs are now. It’s like there’s no QA whatsoever. Just go to any PvP world event in War Mode and you’ll be knocked out of stealth by nothing every 20-30 seconds. Nothing in combat log, nothing hits you.

This is extremely reproduceable and has been since early Dragonflight. If it isn’t fixed by now, I have no idea what it’s going to take.


I wonder if that guy doesnt PVP.

Ive only had the problem when PVPing. So if you dont care about PVP, I guess there is no problem.

Last I checked, Realz was a known Sin main with essentially zero time played on the other two specs in any notable content.

And considering both times he’s taken a break, the development for the class has entirely ceased, it’s safe to say he’s probably leading the ship at minimum.