Confirmed Stealth Breaks (New and Updated 9/7)

Confirmed the following skills are bugged and will break stealth without the target being visible, targeted, or hit by anything.

NEW: 1. Warlock - 100 yard AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight - Whenever a hostile Warlock gains Tormented Crescendo by casting a Shadow Bolt or Drain Soul on a target with Agony, Wither, and Unstable Affliction on it stealth is broken in the ridiculously sized circle around the Warlock.

NEW: 2. Paladin - Sun’s Avatar (Passive) - 20 yard AoE stealth break - Particularly bad with Radiant Glory talented (Wake of Ashes procs Avenging Wrath every 30 seconds) - Applies an 18 second DoT to you, additionally preventing restealth while knocking you out of stealth.

NEW: 3. Rogue - Serrated Bone Spikes - Prevents you from restealthing by keeping you in combat until the target you’ve applied it on is out of combat.

STILL BUGGED: 3. Paladin - Divine Resonance (Divine Toll) - Automatic Judgment knocks you out of stealth even while not visible. It appears the range check is what breaks you out of stealth, no hammer is ever thrown at you. Range is limited to 30 yards and line of sight, but knocks you out of stealth regardless of what direction the Paladin is facing. This happens 3 times, once every 5 seconds.

Thank you Blizzard!
FIXED: 1. Warlock - Malevolence - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight.
FIXED: 2. Warlock - Any shard spenders (Hellcaller hero talent) - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight.
FIXED: 4. Frost Mage Splinterstorm - Frost Splinter / Embedded Frost Splinter hit stealthed targets within 20 yards of the mage casting.


Bumping for visibility.

Bumping for visibility.

Any support with these bugs would be appreciated. Truly game breaking for stealth classes.

i started leveling a mage since sub rogue is unplayable in pvp :frowning:

Bliz please fix this. Makes PvP impossible.

Died to a DK since I CoS+Vanished to get away and for whatever reason just left stealth shortly after vanished. Didn’t hit it and no DoTs or anything like that. I haven’t leveled my DK yet, so idk if Rider of the Apocalypse has something that does this intentionally or if it was another leave stealth bug (hard to tell with the amount of mobs they use).


Fix it please.

Is this still happening to anyone else?

Bumping for visibility.

still not fixt. Kind of a big deal.

Singular focus - this hero talent specifically breaks stealth everytime it ticks and keeps you in combat. All you have to do is apply a deathstalker’s mark on one target, then apply a bleed onto another and leave the combat. Your stealth will instantly break and you sometimes gets combat back from this passive.

this talent also has unlimited range for activation, so you can’t avoid that.

It keeps both the rogue and the marked player in random combat forever and breaks stealth for both aswell… please fix this trash !


World of BugCraft

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Singular Focus bug is very annoying.


Still having problems with Serrated Bone Spike ticks also breaking stealth. Just left another post from Shadowlands complaining about this same issue. Wish it affected M+ or Raiding so they would care.