Except he actually became a female. Not just put on a dress and told everyone he was female now.
Guess Blizz forgot who chronormu really was and is retconning it for the sake of forced inclusivity - and to get some brownie points, colour me surprised.
In Bioshock Infinite, Robert and Rosalind Lutec were the same person in a different timeline. Which was a far more interesting concept than identity politic pandering.
but at the same time gives a negative sort of catfish vibe, at least thats how it sounds in the general and trade chat (and the book even out yet, all the catfish references in the ingame chat are from wowhead article alone which most the player base doesnt even read or at least half)
tho wowhead says this ". Leading up to the ceremony, Chromie is given he/him pronouns, but after choosing the form of a female gnome, uses she/her pronouns. " so they retconned that
If you squint and look at it on a slight angle, you’ll still be horrified beyond comprehension.
Catfish only applies that chromie is acting like a female to gain favors from people based on her pretending to be the opposite sex. Unless you’re part of moonguard goldshire or a rule 34 artist i dont think it matters to the lore or the game play. Unless you’re that person who only does quests from npcs that have the desired traits from the gender you’re attracted to but thats a whole different can of worms there.
Incidentally if a Dragon is killed in it’s Mortal Form it stays in that form…
Theoretically a Dragon can switch Genders at will even without taking Mortal Form!
Of course Dragons when angered can switch forms unconsciously…
The whole “it’s not a male name, you just don’t understand dragon naming conventions” is from Heroes of the Storm, which is not even remotely canon, so there’s not much point in even referencing it.
That’s the tyrannical woke left. Unchecked, unchallenged. Dark times are ahead.
i thought this was already known
What a weird reality you people live in. It’s a video game character. You’ll be okay.
you have a point, the dragonheart dragons all change from male to female to lay eggs if they have no mates.
Truth, sanity, and reason are very important to me. This retcon is a microcosm of the violations of the 3 traits I mentioned happening at large.
Fwiw i have no problem with pelagos.
It’s not a retcon. Chromie’s gender has never once been canonically addressed.
In Azeroth a sex change is as simple as a haircut, not a huge deal to switch and swap around on any given day depending how you feel. I support Chromie and their choices on the matter, why does it affect you what a gender a fictional character in a world where you can swap at will wants to be on any given day? Dont tell me you are worried about a dragon following you into the bathroom to have a perv?
Yes it has. It was speculated that chromie waa trans then a dev said their situation was an oversight and that chromie was a natal female.
Please quit lying.