Getting riled up over the mount’s removal makes sense. Getting riled up about–let alone more than its removal itself–the fact it’s a feat of strength is ridiculous.
People who have this mount probably don’t use it 24/7 as their only mount, they use it when they need to auction/vendor. The Feat of Strength is there for a number of reasons.
To help sell more mounts (the same reason it’s being removed, duh) and in that sense, sell more WoW tokens.
So that people can check your achievements and see you have one.
To make feeling the mount feel special to those who having the mount apparently is not special enough in and of itself… which you are acting like is a problem, when it’s not.
PS: And don’t worry, there will definitely be a new auction mount next expansion. And probably every one after that. With updated prices. Why would Blizzard remove their greatest tool for selling WoW Tokens and deflating the economy to bring down the gold value on them with?
I agree with you. I could care less about it being a FoS. I liked the mount, so I bought it. I have friends who have been saving up for it, but they are not as good at saving gold as I am, so now they will probably never get it because of how stingy the reward system is in this xpac.
One more reason BFA will go down in history as the worst wow expansion ever put out.
If they were going to remove it they should’ve said it was limited to this expansion at the launch (might’ve even helped their low sub rates LOL)
If blizzard was truly worried about this mount breaking the game they never should’ve made it in the first place now all they’ve done is piss off their already pissed off player base.
In my opinion blizzard is taking this mount out of the game to tempt players into buying the wow tokens required to purchase it especially since they only gave a few months notice. I did the math just now, it’s 580 dollars for the 5 million gold while wow tokens are at 175,000 a piece. How many players do you think dropped more than half a grand to get the mount so they avoid the feeling of missing out? I know I’m struggling with the decision myself but I’m extremely angry that I’m even put in a position where this kind of choice has to be considered.
When this rumor sparked i heard it was going out at the launch of shadow lands which even though i was annoyed at, could’ve managed to do considering it gave 9 months or so worth of time to farm it for those of us who haven’t I really don’t see how they thought this was going to make an player base already angry with them less so.
Selling wow tokens with FOMA does not make players happy long term. You are going to get your quick sales from desperate players and the long term subs are going to go down. Keep treating your playerbase like this blizzard and watch what activision lets happen to you. Spoilers: Guitar Hero, COD, Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Your games aren’t any different and if you want to preserve the legacy you created at blizzard you will tell activision to stuff it next time they try to squeeze your players for a quick sale at the cost of player satisfaction.
Now even if i DO get the mount it’s going to leave a sour taste in my mouth because either i dumped a lot of time into getting the mount because i felt pressured not to miss out (which is very different from doing it because i wanted to do it) or i spent 500 dollars and basically gave blizzard the green light to go ahead and shove something else up my where it doesn’t belong in the future.
They aren’t going to add another auction house mount after this because it would make players who saved for this one as mad as the ones who didn’t. It removes the entire point of this mount being unique and special worth 5 million gold.
I have been struggling to find the logic in a lot of the things they do lately. If it was unpopular with the players and good for the game, I could understand. If it was bad for the players and bad for the game, but good for overall business, I could understand.
I just do not understand some of the decisions they make these days.
Look at the decisions as if they are coming from activision. Blizzard is not a company we as players can trust to have our best interests in mind anymore BFA is as much proof of it as WoD was. I honestly wouldn’t mind dropping 500 dollars on this mount if i felt i could trust blizzard as a company and they wouldn’t use it to justify this stupid mind set they have of appeasing activision at every turn. Another reason that you shouldn’t be eligible to be a wow dev if you don’t have x amount of hours played into the patches and expansions you are responsible for forcing onto millions of people.
Its not “prestigious”. Its just only available to people with a crap load of gold. There’s no prestige in having it, no skill required or long and involving method - just getting a lot of gold.
Honestly, I would argue its not just Blizzard. I know as the WoW forums we are super focused in on Blizzard but a lot of companies are getting bad on this stuff and blocking out feedback and opinion with stubbornly sticking to their guns
Players aren’t right about EVERYTHING but I think in situations like this there should be more of a dialog/discussion as well as at least acknowledging if feedback is being listened to or not.
I completely agree with you Byucknah. They do have the ability to reach each and every single player to ask if their changes are working for them or if they make them less likely to play the game. My opinion is that they do not because they know their changes are unpopular and unnecessary, but they just don’t care.
The folks who are left in WoW at this point probably won’t quit no matter what happens and they know it.
We all know it’s not just blizzard it’s the pressure activision keeps putting on blizzard to put micro transaction sales above the happiness of their player base. I said it in another thread and i’ll say it again, Activision treats blizzard the way Boby Kotick treats children on the lolita express.
You shouldn’t be able to develop for wow if you don’t have an active subscription and play X hours into the content you are responsible for creating and forcing onto millions of other players. It should come as part of the contract when you sign on with blizzard.
Can we at least have a version without the AH? I don’t care about the AH npc, but I’d love to have the model itself. It was datamined in several colors during the bfa beta.