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Shasha, do me a favor and post these links for the kid here.


So one would expect their HERITAGE armor to reflect their HERITAGE, which would mean reflecting their iconic imagery.

Which it does.

And you are offended.

So do not play a night elf.


Weird. When I post them, all it comes up as is a white screen.

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Yeah, as i said…for female only, males wear different things…things that look good on them aswell…and was fitting to the theme the night elf represent, without wearing such an…armor the bfa set represent.

This is the reason i´m for a different kind of armor…a armor that represent both gender well…shows skinn, but not that.
and you´re again…applaus, arrogant :wink: did i hit a nerve by simply…disagreeing? Whats your issue here?

And you’re back to talking about how only the women should be barely dressed, revealing your actual issue.

Lightwrite, you never hit a nerve. You’re just wrong, as per usual. You always get insulting when people show you that you’re wrong, so stop projecting your anger on to others.

You can still just choose not to play a night elf.


See above, my design proposals were never about displaying any gender like this…there you misinterpret but my criticism hugely :wink:

Wrong by criticizing this attitude in general? Interesting.

If you want to make your night elves 90% naked, do that, the set doesn’t have to become a Heritage Armor to make that available to you though, simple.

Here’s Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan looking pretty sexy. So you would be wrong


Look closely…only tyrande wear almost nothing…malfurion´s uper body is without clothing, but wear long pants and a whide cloath and illidan is wearing a normal outfit…

You linked a picture of a very specific night elf “class” and called it a day. That’s not a proposal; it’s just a warden.

Then stop saying “it’s fine for the women, but oh no, not the men”. Otherwise I’ll continue to assume you’re actually saying that.

It does when it’s a part of their heritage. Which is has always been.

Wrong in assuming you hit a nerve. You don’t. Get over your self.


But you…see you’re still wrong. Because we have no idea what bottom half of Malfs armor looks like and going shirtless is not Combat Armor as you keep insisting.

Either way, two of them are barely wearing anything so your point is moot regardless


so i hit a nerve, got it…thank you for agreeing by doing so.

you don´t react as careless as you think you do :wink:

I did not say with any tone that it is only for female okay to wear such things. So I don’t have to clarify that either, I just reminded you based on your answer that ONLY women used to wear that in WOW, not men, that’s just a fact, not an attitude.

do you want to know what he´s wearing? Okay

pictures says more than thousand words. psst, maybe post the entire artwork…not only the upper half :wink: This artwork is supposed to show the “masculin body”…of malfurion.

That does not mean what you think it means.

I never thought I react carelessly.

I never attributed tone to you. I only pointed out the words you said. If you do not mean those words, stop saying those words.

Again, I did not say it was an attitude; only a stance you keep taking then claiming not to take.

I must have hit a nerve here, because you keep going out of your way to justify the things you have said as not being things you have said.


Just some pictures of MALE KALDOREI that I found. For every armored male you can find on the internet, one can find many of both men and women wearing barely anything.


You reacted to a statement - in a context of a discussion - without following the whole discussion. You jumped on a bandwagon, of course it triggered you. You don’t react like someone who is calm but feel pressed and mean to attack now and to exaggerate in arrogant statements, yes, you don’t react like someone whose nerve was just NOT hit.

I don’t know, maybe you should scroll all the way up again, the statement was never “Night Elves are not allowed to show skin”; the statement I made was…this armor is not worthy of being the HeritageArmor and does not meet the Spirit of the Night Elves.

Nude is not the spirit of the night elves, this armor is a legacy of the “women in sexy armor” phase from the 80’s and 90’s …because women were not seriously considered as role models for “warriors” in the classical sense, and one (99,99999% male) just wanted to put their sexapeal in the foreground with it. Precisely because boys dominated (and still dominate)the fantasy setting for decades with their ideas and were most often the writers.

That is not true, but good try.

If pointing out your errors is a bandwagon, then sure.


Buddy, I’m not the one trying to psychoanalyze someone for disagreeing with you. That’s you, kiddo.

Also not true.

Again, pointing out your errors and mistakes is not the same thing as having a nerve struck. I don’t think that means what you think it means.

And I not only disagreed with you, I backed up why you’re wrong.

You retorted to insults.

Because you’re cringy nerves are triggered.

That word definitely does not mean what you think it means.

Except it’s for men too.

So let boys dress their boy avatars in underwear costume armor and call it a day. Especially when their is a racial history of both genders showing a lot of skin.

Which there is.

And you seem to not have noticed that.

So just don’t start playing a night elf.

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Especially considering two of the most iconic MALE kaldorei are often depicted with no shirts on and a chiseled upper chest that’s well muscled and would make most sane people drool over.

But what do I know, I only been playing warcraft since warcraft 3


It is also what tyrande wears on the cover of the WotA books, which is technically the first time it is seen.
She certainly looks more combat- ready than just a slĂźt-mog, there, in my opinion.

Although, technically, the night elf archer in warcraft 3 wears something akin to it as well.


That was the point we were trying to make. It’s a pretty iconic suite of armor that most people recognize.

Not sure what the actual armor will look like, but I honestly hope it’s cool looking for night elf fans. You guys do deserve something nice for a change

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