Conduit Change on Beta

They haven’t done that in ages, PL sets in legion dropped the exact piece for people.

Not sure what you mean? In Legion if I got a fel relic I could trade it insofar as I had higher iLvL already socketed?

This is the best news out of all this tbh, especially for people who play multiple specs of the same role.

No, I was talking about how he was saying that it would drop a conduit like sets used to drop.

“Use to create a conduit for Paladin, Priest, or Warlock”

But on your topic, since these are straight bonus loot, i doubt they will be tradeable.

It’s like they legit cannot help themselves. They were about to change it… their hands start shaking… What’s wrong? Oh god, no timegating! All of a sudden their hands smash down on the keyboard over and over of their own accord.

Passing a relieved hand across their sweaty brow, they exhale and admire their work: “Conduits paths can only be changed once per week.” Phew.

Is fighting the RNG boss any better? At least if you got X pieces of conduit per Y activity you have guaranteed progress

Oh that… AFAIK those tokens only dropped if you were using Master loot. But yeah we’ll see I’m fine if they are soulbound and not tradable insofar as it’s not a major grind to get them… e.g. 20+ runs to one drop.

We don’t know the drop rate, they’re bonus gear, they could be 100% from the content if you don’t have one at that ilvl.

Good they should not be changeable in instances on the fly at all. I get that a tiny fraction of top end players want this so they can push their toons even stronger etc…but honestly it would cause more harm as like everything else they do it would leak down and be forced upon the masses that do not want to do that because of “meta”. Those top end players can just push their toons to the limits that blizzard implements.

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That was only in legion that tokens didn’t drop for PL, they still dropped as tokens with PL in WoD IIRC.

Next thing is timegate our spec and talents :rofl:

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Eh… it’s complicated, they are supposed to be gem like… gems are changeable but are destroyed when changed. With this change I can see having a cooldown, but I think this is a bit excessive personally.

In an expac where you need 4 of each class to be you best, that’s not unreasonable.

It’s better than

Kill a boss
“brb guys, gotta change my conduits”
Kill a boss
“brb guys, gotta change my conduits”
Kill a bos
“brb guys, gotta change my conduits”


The only thing time gated is the ability to delete conduits and put new ones in. That I think is fair since you still have multiple paths you can switch between and multiple soulbinds you can switch between.

It sounds like the did exactly what they said they wanted to do. Maintain the intended gameplay of not having you swap conduits constantly while removing the potentially miserable loop of using destructibility as the limitation.

It doesn’t effect spec swapping, it effects conduit switching within the same spec. What they are trying to do is make it so people can’t switch the conduits in the same spec after every boss kill or after every dungeon.


that actually does make sense, I forgot about that :clap:

He strikes yet again :smiley:

I think people get confused between soulbinds and conduits. Soulbinds, which are basically 3 different specs, you can and always could swap at any time for free. Conduits are the gem slots.

And you can have conduits socketed in paths you aren’t currently taking.