Conduit Change on Beta

What is the point in going there anyways im asking because not in beta yet?

Yup. It’s most of the good of essences with most of the bad stripped away. It’s, gasp, an actual improvement of the previous system.

From my point of view, there’s literally only one more change they need to make to fix Covenants, and that is to have more abilities associated with each Covenant beyond just the class ability and the utility ability.

The big concern (not with me, but with the reception in specific communities) with the abilities right now is that you have 1 mitigation ability, 2 movement abilities, and 1 utility. If every Covenant had a flavored movement ability, a flavored mitigation, and a flavored utility, not literally the same but compare https:// wow.gamepedia .com/Unburden to https:// wow.gamepedia .com/Door_of_Shadows, then I think 99% of players would be happy. Yes, Preach might whine that Door of Shadows is better than Unburden, but it’d be close enough to shut down most complaints. You wouldn’t see “LFM Venthyr” almost ever because they’re close enough for most intents and purposes.

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This is definitely a major step in the right direction. I think other player have called out the issues that still exist for multiple specs pretty accurately even if they disagree with me on the solutions. I’d personally like them to at least acknowledge player fears rather than dismiss them like some on the forums do.

you’re fine

the conduits pertain to your class specifically, and some on spec

ex: Protection [Brutal Vitality] 6% of damage you deal adds to your active Ignore Pain].

Resources for legendary crafting and the entrance to Torghast.

You get the stuff to upgrade you covenant in there, and if you die you lose half unless you can refight your way back to your body. I don’t mind the concept it just should not be for stuff needed to progress.

Sounds annoying.

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It’s the first time we’re being punished for dying in the game that isn’t just a gold cost or rez sickness.



People are going to heavily dislike the maw then. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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Sounds like a decent change. For my case I could assign a soulbind for pvp, pve dps, and a third to tank. But makes me wonder if conduits is customizable spec wise… Like how essences can be assigned by spec currently and changes when you change spec.

What about the conduit aquisition? Is it a token that multiple people roll on? Is it a class specific drop(personal loot)?

Also no flight plans and no mounts of any kind. you walk everywhere. Sounds like a anti-fun zone.

Yay role play walking is going to be part of the WoW shadowlands experience.

Thanks diablo B team devs! Your ingenuity is amazing! LMAO. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

it’s a bonus drop

so if you beat a boss and get some gloves off of it, you also have a chance to get a conduit, and that doesn’t affect your chances at other loot

they want it that way because they didn’t like how legion artifact relics choked up the loot pool a bit

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oh noes … my choices … and their meaningfull … ness?!?

Thanks for the clarification, this is indeed a great change.


I can see why they might go that direction, but at the same time it will be frustrating if they are a rare drop and you can’t trade them to people that want them.

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expected, great news though, they had to force min maxers to stop changing builds to fit each boss or m+ : )

depending on how it’s implemented, that might not be as much of a problem

if it’s class specific all the way around, only causes issues if you have someone of the same class in the group

but if it’s based on “this boss drops a blue conduit, and it translates to xyz for these classes”, it’ll be a pain

Again depends on how rare it is. If it’s something that is guaranteed then it’s a non-issue. If it’s 1/3rd chance of dropping then it’s annoying… if it’s 1/20 chance of dropping then it’s a problem in my opinion.

The Devs already have an issue where they don’t respect player time. They don’t need to make it worse.