Concubines in black temple raid


Fine, I’ll take two of the blonds in purple. But I won’t enjoy it.

If they got remove they probably are related with the cubecrawls and probably a few employees ask for their removal

If not, well nothing happens

I always assumed this was what the male servants were for… like Chippendale dancers or something when they’re not serving XD.

It being removed should not be open for discussion. It isn’t hurting anyone.

As far as the inside joke knowing blizzard it could be.



There are many things in this game that doesn’t technically hurt someone but is being removed anyway.

Even if Blizz removes the Den of Mortal Delights ( I don’t think they should and I’m a woman) people would still find a way to put that in a negative light. For example, they could claim Blizzard looks down on sex workers (both male and female) and thus said men and women being proud and empowered by their bodies.

I take it some haven’t been to BT since the AOE cap solo runs. the harem’s serve a purpose now.

Once you get stuck in a CC…you get CC locked. Early 9.0 most in this case hard dumped the client. It was the only way out lol.

They are now a challenge lol. You have to really want the greens they could drop. They are now best left avoided if like most classes you are aoe capped.

The most problematic part is the enslaved male human servants. Where did they come from? Why would Illidan do that?

Because he’s not a good person.

According to Legion, he is.

Yeah… You don’t have to be a good person to save the world. Illidan has done a lot of reprehensible things on his way to saving Azeroth. He’s a ends justifies the means kind of guy.

They try to act like everything he did was totally necessary, while ignoring all the unnecessary stuff he did. It’s actually a major retcon.

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Violent psychotic elf. What he is. They retcon for legion just had him be a more controlled violent psychotic elf.

and they gave him a more palatable path. Since there is no massive social movement for demon’s rights lol. So now he and the illidari focus on that. the world cares not if we kill 10,100 or 1000 demons in a week. there are no protests in Org/SW over it.

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To be fair, he was in prison for 10,000 years.

It’s also possible that Blizzard think there’s nothing wrong with having bunch of sex slaves.

We’re asking for the removal of the concubines, not the whole instance.

My mistake. Turn it into an ice cream parlor?

They can turn it into an armory or a recruit post.

ssssshhhhhh they won’t do it, if you don’t talk about it