Concerns for the Future of Era

Deviate Delight right? Saw bits and pieces here and there about an effort to give it a “fresh” go on that server. Hated to see it fall through. It definitely sounded fun.


You mean this cessspool that Blizzard doesnt police full of demented trolls on multiple accounts who sit here all day spewing filth and nonsense?

Yeah, good luck finding a good discussion.

Time to bring the same energy that these other clowns bring.


It didn’t fall through honestly. It was a blast. Even killed KT before fresh.

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Great. Why direct that energy at me? Did I offend you in a previous life? Are you secretly a gnome and have taken offense to my obvious disdain for and fear of them? I’ve only engaged you on these forums maybe once or twice and at no point do I believe I said anything that should illicit the sort of responses you’ve given here. I mean, up until that point, this had managed to be a very civil thread.

Oh wow it would be a shame for that to be ruined.

Damn I guess you can see what the rest of us experience.

Enjoy your stay here.

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Yep, 100%. A lot of people make a big deal out of how much time you have to farm to support raiding and what’s why they just buy gold. It turns out it’s not that bad when the server isn’t picked clean. I’ve found I actually enjoy farming, it’s now a fun part of the game for me. I just put YouTube up on my second monitor and away I go, it’s pretty relaxing. There are weeks now and again where I don’t have enough time, but the world doesn’t end if I’m missing a consumable, lol.

Also, for what it’s worth, I miss DD too… I didn’t play there, but I sure appreciated the impact you guys had on BG queues :wink:


Why would anybody enjoy something like that? Farming is a miserable experience.

This is definitely something that I had forgotten since vanilla all those years ago. Just how many mats a flask requires. Never mind the Black Lotus, just the actual number of other mats (30 Dreamfoil, 30 Icecap, etc.) you have to collect as compared to flasks in TBC/WotLK is wild. Like you said though, not so hard to come by when you aren’t having to compete against a multitude of other players and an army of bots besides.

I raided as a resto druid back then and was an herbalist/alchemist and I honestly don’t remember flasks requiring so many mats.

Are you keeping up with the thread or did you just respond to my post in isolation? The context is that I do it on a server where I don’t have to compete with my entire server, plus the bots and professional farmers profiting off them.

On the main clusters, and certainly on anniversary, I would 100% agree with you. In the boonies though, it’s pretty relaxing. It’s also kind of rewarding, at least for me. I go looking for the things I need and I get them.

That’s actually an interesting, and correct point. On our server it’s easy to get lotus, but the other mats still take time. There’s been a lot of posts lately about lotus and how bottlenecked they’ve been.

On Grob though, they’re easy to come by… it takes way more time to get the rest :slight_smile:

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You remember it wrong.

Remember things right next time.

That was almost 20 years ago. Lived a lot of life since then I’m afraid.

A professional farmer?

Listen to yourself. It’s a video game.

6,897 posts, you are definitely not “out” as you claim you would be lmao :expressionless:

Yeah a demented mentally ill troll who has been on multiple accounts in every single section for years offering nothing but nonsense and filth to the forum with Blizzard doing absolutely nothing time and time again.

That’s all this place is.

Time to join the club :sneezing_face: :sweat_smile: :innocent: :heart_eyes: :yum: :grin: :smile: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :relieved: :sleepy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :thinking: :star_struck: :kissing_heart: :saluting_face:

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There’s definitely some appeal to be found there. I’ve always ran two accounts. The main account with one of each class running “BIS” professions and then the secondary account to cover gathering professions and others that support the characters on the main. Having all of your bases covered such that you can be completely self-sufficient definitely carries a certain appeal, a lot of appeal in my case.

Lots more work involved trying to replicate that on anniversary servers at present. Came to the conclusion very quickly that it’d be easier to earn gold and buy the materials I need than to attempt farming most of them. Lots of competition and just running around trying to gather stuff just to walk away mostly empty handed just strikes me as a poor usage of my in-game time.

Grobbulus sounds like a blast. Haven’t done anything I’d consider to be RP since I played MUDs… 25-30 years ago I think? I don’t imagine the PvP would be all that harsh either given the small population. My very first toon was on a PvP server and I found out the hard way that it just wasn’t my cup of tea. If I didn’t have such a fixation on draenai I’d probably just create a toon over there, kick back and enjoy the ride. Also fell in love with DKs in WotLK classic. Finally stepped up the plate and tanked as one (I’ve previously raided as a protection warrior and paladin and a bear so I wanted to be able to say I tried them all) and it was such a blast that I’m looking forward to the possibility of doing it again should I find myself on a boat to Northrend once more.

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Do you troll on the 2nd account :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :face_with_peeking_eye: :sweat_smile: :face_with_peeking_eye: :unamused: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :money_mouth_face: :no_mouth: :saluting_face: :star_struck:

well if they are intent on ruining their game what choice do i have :expressionless:

I hope this is the case because there are far too many dead servers on Era. This is a good thing.

leave the “dead servers” alone :expressionless: they aren’t hurting you at all


Stay mad irrelevant fiend.