Concerns for the Future of Era

Good God no :expressionless:


Exactly Eyr thatā€™s part of the concern.


Lol exactly. Trust me I pray they donā€™t do that. But this is blizzard 2025. They have a knack for consistently doing the exact opposite of what we want! You wouldnā€™t be surprised if they did it would you? Even if we donā€™t want that.

Iā€™m honestly surprised we donā€™t have dual spec forced into era. Iā€™m shocked they reverted MoS. Iā€™ll give them some credit. Thereā€™s still some hope.


this is the last bulwark we have :expressionless: once this breaks, itā€™s ogre


I wouldnā€™t give them too much credit for the former. Itā€™s probably that they canā€™t be bothered to put in the work to add it.


This is why I think Blizzard allowing people to host their own official servers for either a flat fee or a percentage of a monthly subscription cost or whatever would probably be the most ideal solution to pacify just about everyone. It may have been Zaalg that I first noticed had suggested it?

Not having to constantly look over your shoulder wondering if your server is suddenly going to get axed, merged into other servers, changes being made that you donā€™t want, changes not being made that you do want, or whatever else have you. I think that peace of mind would be worth whatever it costs to host such a server.


Youā€™re insane if you actually think thatā€™s a possibility.

Some of you lack even the tiniest amount of logic.


Care to elaborate and have a discussion on just gonna call people thin? SMH

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I guess Iā€™m still sane then because I would sooner roll a gnome than think that itā€™ll ever happen.

Awfully quick to start attacking someoneā€™s logic just because they tossed out a throwaway comment.


Which thing do you think wonā€™t happen? Weā€™re talking about a lot of things here.

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You think Blizzard is going to let people have their own servers?

The classic team is tiny already, and you think theyā€™re going to add more servers that theyā€™d have to get manpower and resources for maintenance, tech support in case thereā€™s issues, blah blah blah. It will never happen.

They didnā€™t even give people TBC era or wrath era servers, and you think theyā€™re going to give some snotnose kid his own server?


I hate to see you guys get pulled in, but heā€™s a known forum troll. Heā€™ll just spout nonsense and insults.

Just an fyi.


I definitely donā€™t think they will, no.



Thereā€™s zero chance.

thisā€¦ Jarl, you are too good for dealing with crudlord :expressionless:


I dunno. Seems like a great deal for them if they could hand off all responsibility to someone else and still make money by requiring those official private servers to charge a monthly subscription cost and collecting a percentage of it and/or charging some type of fee.

There are plenty of private servers that have been around for quite some time and evidently have managed just fine without having official Blizzard employees on hand to perform maintenance and provide tech support.

Iā€™m not convinced that itā€™ll ever happen but Iā€™m also not convinced that implementing such a thing would be to Blizzardā€™s detriment.

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Honestly Iā€™ve had this same thought. I donā€™t know why they didnā€™t just make one former private server official.

Lol youre out of your mind thinking itā€™s even remotely a possibility.

What part of, ā€œIā€™m not convinced that itā€™ll ever happenā€ are you having difficulty understanding? I donā€™t think itā€™s a possibility but that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t an interesting topic of conversation for me. What is it about a civil conversation that triggers you so? If youā€™re so eager to insult people, there are several other topics that have devolved into fine examples of the absolute best that the WoW community has to offer. I am supremely confident youā€™ll find someone who would be more than happy to oblige your apparent need for confrontation.

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I miss DD for this reason. Was nice to be able to farm my own flask mats for onceā€¦