Concerning messages from space

“We come in peace”

Yes, there is always that. Some think that’s how life on the various planets begins.

Begins not so much, shaped absolutely. The vast majority of our dna now has been shaped by virus’s as they implant their own into ours fundamentally changing it. Humanity without virus imprintation would look very different to what it does today.

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“that weird planet evolved talking apes again”

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‘‘the world…is flat’’

Yeah, I agree. I also think there’s others here already and they’re not viruses.

That’s about all I know about that.

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For me it would be alien music. How could we tell if it was friendly or hostile?

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I knew these eviction notices and utility cut-off letters were not real, they are actually messages from space.

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I think using math would be a fun way to communicate. Like a chirping signal that represents the fibonacci sequence. You’re a part of a team that broadcasts these radio waves into deep space.

You receive a signal several weeks later. Its the fibonacci sequence you’ve been sending, but in reverse. The source of the signal doesn’t come from the orbital plane. You send back a reverse fibonacci sequence at the direction of the response.

A couple weeks later, you receive series of chirps that match your original fibonacci sequence messaging. You receive a very strong signal followed by a very weak signal.

But the intensity of the weaker signal is increased ever so slightly with each repetition.

What happens when the weaker signal matches the stronger signal? Did you just discover a clock to their arrival? Who or what will find you?


Any message would be if great concern. Since we have only our own history to go off of look what happens when one technologically superior civilization meets a less developed civilization. It doesn’t end well.

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I read an interesting short story many years ago that always stuck in my mind.

An advanced race of aliens discover us but do not mix or intro new tech, instead they destroy all WMD, disallow anymore to be developed for our protections and wait for us to mature and advance to the point of being able to handle their tech and join them in their mission to seek out developing species and protect them to maturity.

It is a thousand years later, we have not advanced or matured and they conclude that, without the drive to conquer, we are lazy, useless creature.

So they wipe us out in hopes of a better race developing from one of the other species on the planet.


We have sent them for much longer than that, though me thinks you’re referring to Active SETI, which that tracks (though our broadcasts for over a hundred years are still propagating out to the stars). But the travel times are, as you note, so immense that who knows what will happen in the thousands and thousands of years from now.

Some other fun directed communication methods:

Voyager has a golden disc and those bad boys are still cruising the cosmos, having been launched almost 50 years ago.

You can “track” them here or at least see how far they are from earth by periodically checking for VGR1/2 on the antennas.

Pioneer probes also carried plaques onboard as another form of communication and those are over 50 years old and we haven’t talked to them in 20-some years as they slip into interstellar space.


oh I know its longer but I couldn’t for the life of me remember the year so went with a safe 20

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the weather on saturn was dicey today, hold onto your hat

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“Remember, the zoos pay a premium for the ones with red hair!”


Shut it down, they know too much.

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I actually sent that into a translator. Interesting.

“Glad we got you first before they did.”

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“We’ve been trying to reach you about your planet’s extended warranty.”