Concerned that too many Race/Class combos are diluting identity and culture

I’m actually quite surprised Pandaren aren’t druids because they’re very connected with their land.

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I just want Blood Elf Druids and Shaman. Is that too much to ask for? :wink: :wink:

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Yes, then all the groups I join will be Blood Elves. I prefer diversity in my parties.

As far as things like “how stealth works”, I think that’s missing the point. Rogues are more than just “people who can stealth”; they’re outlaws, assassins, and thieves. That’s what makes them so cool and iconic. It is not, however, compatible with the same core fantasy of every race. Tauren are extremely honorable, enough so that it is a defining characteristic of their race, and the Grimtotem were exiled for much that reason. I would say the same probably holds true for the Draenei, they’re not a people that would really seem to have assassins and cutthroats in their midsts.

Similarly, while the Eredar are the de facto “Warlocks” if ever there was one, the Draenei are obviously not a race that would ever have Warlocks. That is about the most fundamental restriction that exists in the game, and if ever lifted, would essentially being an admission of “the lore doesn’t matter at all”.

Because if you remove all these restrictions, then you honestly may as well remove all of the races and classes, and just let people play different-looking humans, and one class that can play every “spec”. WoW gets its “flavor” from treating Races and Classes differently, they are themselves cultures and identities.

You don’t choose a Tauren because “I want my character to look like a cow and have hooves”. The Tauren are a people with this rich history and lore, whose “vibe” is one of being gentle giants, having a great reverence towards nature and the Earth Mother. I wouldn’t mind seeing them a bit more assertive in the Lore, but to cast that aside and just say “well they can be Rogues and Warlocks and everything else”, simply throws that history and theming to the wayside.

Dude I know man, cows creeping about is just wrong and scary as hell! :astonished:

I do get the sentiment but your framing is bad. People are gonna get hung up on you saying stuff like hunters can’t be humans which is ridiculous. Hunters are like the one class that could easily fit every race.

I do get your sentiment behind stuff like goblins etc. The whole rant about priests however completely contradicts it

There’s quite a few Tauren pirates in game. Rogues aren’t far from that as Outlaw is based in pirate ways.

Tauren gonna sneak.

Every race is capable of subterfuge and misdirection. Every race is capable of underhanded tactics. You’re right, Rogues are more than a class that sneaks around; they pounce on opportunities, they create and exploit openings, they punish mistakes and inattention, and they set ambushes and surprises, as well as mitigating those very things thanks to their paranoia and outside-the-box thinking.

What in the above suggests this is somehow inapplicable to Tauren, who produced both Magatha Grimtotem and Baine Bloodhoof?

Tauren are extremely honorable; they are not a hive-mind. Those willing to pursue the path of the Rogue are that much more noteworthy on a personal level. Plus, you can maintain the honor of your race while being underhanded and sneaky, it depends on your actions and your goals.

And there may be individuals of the race that fail to hold up to that ideal. They may make a quick deal to avoid death, or in a rage ask for forbidden power to correct a wrong. Then they go to Exile’s Reach and join the Alliance formally. Done.

That flavor is not diluted unless you allow it to be. If someone plays a Tauren Rogue, it does not impact your interpretation of the world unless you choose to allow it to.

I picked Tauren in Vanilla because they were the only race I enjoyed the aesthetics of; the fact that they were easily the most ‘heroic’ race in the game was a nice secondary. It’s also incredibly counter to ‘Tauren Culture’ to disturb spirits and elements with technology, yet I became the most prolific Engineer Azeroth’s ever seen and constantly test explosives on local wildlife.

The point is, your character’s background is determined by you, using the setting of the world you’re in. If you took a route less traveled, you need only explain how and why and bam, it’s justified.

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I mean… for you, maybe, but you don’t get to decide the reason why I - or anyone else - choose their race.

This has got to be the OP’s like 5th or so thread on this and they all get the same responses. :rofl:

Conclusion - People are tired of the old boring archaic restrictions which is exactly why Blizzard responded they plan on opening everything up eventually.

the draenei have an entire sect of rogues called the Rangari whose entire job is to be scouts and assassins.



and they also open the door for many race/class combos, cause if your race can arcane shot, they can wield arcane magics, and if they can heal their hunter pets, they can wield nature magics and if they can camoflage, they can stealth

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The problem with your analogy is that it adds a “choice” that doesn’t fit the setting, whereas the classes in WoW are part of the setting already. You’re trying to equate the races of WoW with different genres and it’s not a valid comparison.

While there are trends for each culture, there are always outliers that buck those trends. There is nothing preventing an Orc from developing a deep connection to nature and becoming a Druid. There’s no physical or psychological deficiency preventing them from doing so. It may not be something common among the Orc populous in general, but there are always exceptions.

There’s no reason a Draenei couldn’t become a Warlock. I mean, the Man’ari prove that they can do so since Draenei and Man’ari are the same race (Eredar). Culturally, such Draenei would be outcasts or at least looked down upon, but there is no reason the player should not have the option to be that kind of character, especially when examples of such exist in game already.

There’s no reason a Night Elf couldn’t be a Shaman. Sure, Druidism is a far more prevalent direction for Night Elves to pursue a connection with nature, but there’s no physical or psychological barrier to prevent a Night Elf from choosing the path of Shamanism instead. Saying that Night Elves “don’t have the qualities” to be Shaman implies that there’s some sort of special quality required, but there is nothing in the lore that supports such a claim. Consider that in Dragonflight we already see Night Elf Shamans as part of the primalists, so what “qualities” do these Night Elves have that player Night Elves don’t and/or can’t acquire?

Class/Race restrictions are not necessary to have a sense of rules and structure in a fantasy world. All that’s needed to fit additional class/race combos into such a setting is additional lore explaining them.


Mr. Smite has been a Tauren Outlaw rogue since 2005.


Yep. Tauren rogues have been around forever.

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Don’t tell the OP about life back before America was settled its more fun this way. Humans can’t hunt… hehehehe.


Right? Just going to ignore how we domesticated animals, but also include them in hunts. Dogs are an example of this.

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I want my Orc druid. :dracthyr_love_animated:
Also Night Elf shamans are amazing.


WoW is the only mmo…heck, any game where i have to play a character i hate looking at. first it was cows and then i changed to a troll: i don’t like either. and since my guild is horde, i have literally no choice in the matter. so ya, more race/class combos pls.

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