Concerned that too many Race/Class combos are diluting identity and culture

I’d imagine if you want to be a warlock in the context of the lore, its very much a profession that would eat the bulk of your time.

precisely. its a walking/talking cow race that can fly thru the sky on a bird’s back. the idea they couldnt learn stealth or arcane magic, is silly


diluting identity and culture

It’s a video game.


That’s ur mistake it’s actually the opposite when done right.

Honestly just adding the race with a few lines about how they did it is in fact lazy and diluting the game.

HOWEVER adding more lore and reasons for certain class/race combos and opening up what it means to be each race/combo makes the game more rich.

A troll priest worships the loa and a human priest worship the light. Trolls have a rich history with the loa and priesthood but it has a distinct flavor that keeps it seperate from humans. Class halls were great but they just diluted every cultural reason and combined everything.

In zandalari lore warlocks lock demons and consume them to increase their physical attributes. This is good enough reason to add zandalari demon hunters. In order to do that right they need to establish that they aren’t illidari, they didn’t learn anything from elfs. They are seperate but they still functionally the same in game. Trolls also used glaives long before elfs ever did. Each race can have a certain reason/outlier that lets them be any class. If it’s a crazy one they can just let everyone know this combo is rare in the world. Like some humans abandoning storm wind to live among the elfs in nature therefore becoming Druids. This gives players more options and story for their individual character.

You are a champion. Your character has been involved in every important and big event in WoW. This isn’t realistic for anyone. Hence the fantasy element. So who cares if your an unconventional class/race combo? If enough story and lore is added anything can make sense since this is a made up world with made up rules that have changed consistently.

I think opening up class/race combos has the opposite affect of “diluting” lore.


I want a tauren demonhunter

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If the price I have to pay to play any race with any class is a rep grind I’d take it in a heartbeat.

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everquest had something similar, though initially it centered around your starting stats. for example, high elves were low strength and strength determined how much weight you could carry, so if you wanted to make a plate wearing class, you had to sacrifice some other stat to add more strength. so you could be classes you werent adapted to biologically but paid a penalty for it. ogres were dumb as a box of rocks but strongest race in game, as a result you rarely saw ogre casters but frequently saw ogre warriors


I have to respectfully disagree with you OP.

I personally hope we get to a point where we have all races all classes in WOW. I feel that is way overdue.

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Waiting for Orc druids. I want to make my old man druid from dungeons and dragons.

Of course it will. This was never in question but people just don’t care about RP or lore in general.

The future will look as the following: Every casual player will pick a human or blood elf for every possible race. The least path of resistance to try something new out.

I disagree. If you don’t want to play a certain race/class combo then don’t. The races add there own unique flare to classes or can in the hands of players. Not including certain races for some classes is a bad thing. And I am glad blizzard is letting it happen. Players have choices to not play these. While people who want more options do not have a choice in not playing them and choosing the limited races.

Sneaky Tauren stealth mode activate.

I liked how the added the vulpera rationale of being mages in the Azure span. It was real gold. They stole stuff and taught themselves advanced geometry and then joined the Kirin Tor, and scoffed at you as if that’s a normal to do.

I definetly made me appreciate my vulpera mage more lol. He’s a sneaky thief and clever enough to teach himself the good magics : )


I loved this. ;u; They were so cute. “We found symbols and can read them now.”


In my view, there are 2 ways to handle race-class combinations.

a) Answering the question: what class would be typical/common in this particular race?
b) Answering the question: what class would be possible in this particular race?

They both have very different answers.

Initially, WoW’s approach was closer to option a). I, however, think MMORPGs and basically most RPGs in general should allow combinations to the player based on b), rather than a).

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Lore evolves and grows the cultures seen in game also. We’re going on what 18 years? A long time for these cultures to grow also. There’s always going to be growth from within the game as a natural progression also.

I’ll use Orc druids as an example. Orcs are naturally close to the elements, but they can be close to nature also as elements are linked with nature. Not only that Highmountain, Tauren, Zandalari, and Trolls can be teachers. Now would Orcs answer the call of the spirit animals on Azeroth? Quite possible. Or would they connect more with spirits seen on Draneor? Which is also possible. Zandalari druids follow their Loa. Trolls follow their Loa and the spirit animals. Tauren follow the spirit animals. Highmountain also have their own spirit animals. Even though there’s differences there’s still equal respect to Loa and spirit animals.

Druids is a balance of natural forces (which includes the elements).

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I’ll give him tree fiddy

This isn’t the fix you think it is, the fix is Blizzard actually making it feel like you’re playing your class in the world, not a 2-dimensional mannequin.

They just need to make better lore.

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Player characters are individuals. They don’t necessarily have to be paragons of their races’ cultures. They can be outliers, exceptional cases, even freaks of nature. Class restrictions on player characters should matter far less than NPCs out in the broader world.

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