Concerned that prestige or "flex" items are being devalued by Blizzard

You’re just gonna have to deal with it.

I never had any attachment to rare things, when I did get it, I always thought of wanting others to have it too, enjoy it etc…

Something rare that is worth a lot or has sentimental value, sure IRL, but items in a game. Don’t care. Even those that have it and walk around or ride on the mount in the main hubs… no people don’t care for the reason you think, it’s because you look like a weirdo.

Got all the mage tower weapons (save for healer cause that one was a***).

Hate that others can’t get them.

I’ve never understood the concept of “investing” time in a game. I invest my time at work to earn the money I need to pay my living expenses and to have enough left over for my hobbies. The time I spend enjoying those hobbies isn’t the investment, it’s the reward.

Brought to you by the participation award generation folks…

You haven’t corrected me on anything.

On the contrary, you’ve validated my and everyone else’s impressions of you.

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Now this is complete and utter BS if I’ve ever seen it. The only reason I ever got involved in raiding in the first place with Molten Core was because I saw a rogue that had an insanely cool looking helmet and I wanted one too. I later learned this came from something called “Garr” who was located in Molten Core.

Know what I did? Looked into raiding, looked at applying to join guilds, I got in one and my first DKP dump was that particular helmet while we were struggling to get more than a handful of bosses in that raid downed. To facilitate that I spent hours over forums and asking rogues in guilds who were further progressed how I could do more damage. I did this when I had, and still do have anxiety about having to initiate conversations, especially when it’s bothering them to ask a question. After time I at a point when I was 12 was that rogue who was dm’d randomly in Orgrimmar asking “Where did you get that?” when people were looking over my AQ40 gear, or my Servo Smasher in Naxxramas.

This was something I figured out and dealt with at age 11. The fact grown adults not only fail to grasp the idea of having nice things you take pride in, but outright excoriate anybody who dares to have that line of thinking is just mind boggling. I guess some people are built different in the end of it all. This was something I understood in fifth grade. . . The fact adults throw hissy fits over not having shiny toys like toddlers arguing over toys just fills me with dread. We’re supposed to be better than the preceding generation. Now it’s like the current crop of WoW players are the kids who were raised by parents who threw fits at meetings because their less than average kid wasn’t allowed into the advanced classes so EVERYBODY ELSE had to be punished for it. I’ve HATED this line of thinking ever since middle school and I certainly hated it in High School because I’m held hostage learning stuff I learned very quickly but some kid just can’t grasp basic algebra, well we can’t move on until they understand it. So we’re just arbitrarily behind other class periods because I was unfortunate enough to get a bad dice roll in a classroom with kids who would invariably become C-Gets-Degree quality.

THIS is the endpoint of “Every Child Gets a Trophy”, nobody is allowed to be special or take pride in things they’ve collected because someone’s feelings might get hurt if they also don’t have it? Give me a break and grow up.

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if you are getting something just to get validation from others, then you need to check your priorities and find INTERNAL validation.

Something should be special because you did it, you earned it, you worked hard for it, etc… not because other people tell you it’s cool.

While I agree with you, you’re just discussing from the perspective of a casual player. RPers require certain items for a fantasy which is either shown by NPCs or because of limitations. RPers are the evergreen players who play even when there are no updates, because they generate the story for themselves. And they have been neglected far too long.

Most of the FOMO-items need to be accessible, regardless how you stand to them.

Yeah sorry, I’m not going to accept the gravitational pull towards “Nothing can be special anymore” just because a bunch of grown adults are upset they can’t get an item so they can PLAY PRETEND IN A VIDEO GAME.

I say this as someone who was an RPer until about WoD. My gnome spent a fair bit of time farming the instance by TOC for that stupid sword that looked like a sawblade. I know that struggle but if you care so much about your character, do what I did. Care enough about your character to push yourself so they can have the finest.

The only reason I don’t RP anymore is because I grew tired of the tumblr users making it an incredibly toxic hobby that was more of a headache than it was worth. As an aside, if there’s any old school players from Silver Hand, Black Widows reign supreme.


Nothing you said in that monstrosity of a comment refutes or invalidates the comment of the poster you were addressing. You’re just mindlessly ranting.

Something tells me you were one of the kids scooted along in classes so the school’s drop out rate declined and thus looked nicer for funding.

I agree but you’re still seeing it from your perspective. Because you want to limit fun for others so you can feel something for being special, it makes it not right in the end. It’s egoistic for the sole reason because you do not own these items. That’s why we can’t have nice things. We lease the server and character access and so far the service has been bad since BfA, but it looks like they are going to improve on this now.

People cannot do this anymore, which is the problem. The old challenges should stay available as evergreen content, without restrictions or catches.

Way to out yourself as a real class act there for all of GD to see… :wink:

While I understand the point you’re trying to make here is how I see it. Who is truly in the right on this? One could on the inverse argue that catering to those types makes the game not fun for what I enjoy doing which is pursuing greater challenges and taking pride in those accomplishments.

So at a point it’s now essentially: “My way of thinking ruins the fun for others, but the things they are demanding ruins the fun for me.” I at the very least am not aggrieving anybody by sticking to the status quo. I’d view an utter upending of how the genre was meant to function from day one as a bit more egregious but it is entirely likely it is utterly impossible to see eye to eye on this one which I think you and I can both accept and just shrug at.

Me, of course. FOMO-items are good but only if they are off-color. Lore-based colorizations should stay always relevant and accessible, no matter what. The developers read my popular topic from summer, which also covered the Tyrael Charger which is currently available for purchase.

The good thing is, the majority won. Older items are coming back and it’s just a question until the developers have to bend the knee and bring everything back. Treating the customers unfairly is never a solution.

People really seem to confuse the mmo sense of your character having rewards that aren’t common with “lOl yOuR eGO chEcK ReAL lIFe” nonsense.

There should always items that are exclusive and give players a goal to reach within the game. And if that time investment isn’t worth it for you then just don’t bother, I don’t care about exclusive items anymore but when I got my Firelands staff and was the only Alliance player on my server with it (for a week) it did feel great.

If you have the time for it, prestige items should remain exclusive.

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And I can tell you from experience with numerous other games, the day that ends up being the case this game will alienate anybody who has something they’re proud to have and thus die. The forums are a pitifully small representation of the playerbase. Elite Sets from past seasons come back? PvPers will quit outside of the tournament players.

That coming to pass will 100% solidify my decision to delete everything on my account and move to another MMO regardless of my friends from school still playing this mess for God knows what reason when other MMOs exist. In which case I will happily be on FF14 full time because I know my Ultimate clear weapons will never be given away for money by the developers.

Just gonna stop you right there with the wall of text that helm that set still exists you know what doesnt anymore alot of titles, mounts, items like og ashbringer, they cut out to create vanity rare items.
Take the bruto they removed it from a vendor, why? What reason was there to remove a massive gold sink?
To create rarity oh sure they added to bmah but only one can buy it at a time and its always going to be gold cap or pretty close to it.
Just about all the bs you tossed into that wall of text is still in game or better yet in the revamp re release of classic.

Old Ashbringer never existed outside of being a GM (Gamemaster) weapon. The sword NEVER was released to the game, only breadcrumbs for a quest they never finalized which involved a white phylactery.