Concentration & Professions Feedback

I think he is talking bags not bank.

Again, I’m not advocating for a change here. I think it is what it is. I can see where that person is coming from though.

Nope, but it is a lot of space while you are trying to prospect. You might buy 30k-100k worth of ore at a time and have to spend time doing inventory management to save space.

DF had a lot of items that went into the bags.

I got no idea but I’m definitely not a fan of needing to do orders to level.

No one wants leveling gear for one, and two, there was a problem on my realm at launch of DF where there weren’t enough orders. Before the limit, you had the goblins filling ALL of them.


Curious as to the values on enchants, right now leech/avoidance are giving you around 0-1% leech and about 1-2% avoidance with both enchants where on retail its 2% leech 5% avoidance. Also radiant ring enchants are giving 35 vers which feel extremely underwhelming. Second stat proc weapon enchants are giving around the same as they do on live as well.

Leg enchants are giving same on live for the agi versions, int ones seem better? not entirely sure.

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Engineering: I feel like having the need for Pile of Rusted Scrap without the ability to Pilfer to obtain it is a bad mechanic as you can’t get through early leveling without it and it’s just tough without pilfer.


Last I checked, Enchanting was in this boat as well. In the first week I found maybe three things I could disenchant, and I got a total of 4 dust from it. When you need 60 for the rod…

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My hope is that npc orders aren’t server wide but rather just for your toon or that there is just always some up if they are server wide (i.e. one gets fulfilled new one posts immediately). Then again, it might clutter the order screen with “fake” (npc) orders rather than from “real” (player) ones.

I think they should also do away with those collect-a-thon weekly profession quests and instead make them about taking crafts to an npc (namely leveling items).

Also, they could make it so those weekly quests give between 1-3 skill points, similar to DMF. This way you aren’t crippled by work orders for leveling professions or can just save some gold (e.g. 100 throw-away helms) and can just chip away at it if you are not in a rush.

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Should we just get rid of mining pick, runed copper rod, etc. profession items?

Now that profession tools are a thing with their own item slot, do we really need these things cluttering our inventory?

Does it already work this way and I just haven’t noticed (i.e. I can just delete those old things from my inventory).

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Think you can get rid of them. I don’t have a mining pick or anything on any of my alts. The runed copper rod was required in the beginning but I think you could put that in the slot… can’t remember though. It’s been a while since I’ve done an enchanter.

I was able to squeak my way up to 55/100 in Blacksmithing by churning out whetstones (which were green to me until 55) but now I’ve hit a wall in that the only recipe I have (Everburning Great Axe) requires Sanctified Ingots.

I can’t craft anything else for for skill ups as I have yet to find nodes for the other ore needed to craft Sanctified Ingots (which I’m assuming is probably in Azj’Kahet while I only just made it to Hallowfall) and as I’ve crafted everything I can at least once I no longer am getting Knowledge (I can’t remember the last time I got Blacksmithing Knowledge from a chest).

Is this intentional due to no crafting orders/weekly quests or am I missing something? Oh and still can’t craft Ironclaw Alloy as it requires an Ironclaw Alloy to make (though I can craft the Charged Alloy part of the recipe).


I’ve run about 4 delves and found 6 total Aqirite in them. In the mining journal, it does indicate that prevelance increases as one nears Azj-Kahet.

It looks like Forged framework grants skill at 45, but there is a bug with crafting Ironclaw alloy (It needs Ironclaw Alloy as an ingredient atm, so impossible to make?).

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Ran some quick testing on this goes to 11 where you can buy ironclaw ingot, since you can’t make them.

Forged Framework goes yellow at 55, green at 62 (odd number?), gray at 70 (62 to 70 took over 30 crafts to get it there). Sanctified still green at 70.

Continuing the road to 100… it looks like you could craft a ton of Sanctified Ingots but those will be very expensive with Acqirite. If you choose to spare 10 expensive specialization points into Means of Production → Tools of the trade, Artisan’s blacksmith hammer is yellow here… but if they require artisan’s acuity (like they required Artisan’s mettle in DF), you’ll want to craft this for others to skill up. Green at 78, and I’ll assume grey at 80, but you may not be able to mass produce these easily.

My thoughts on losing 10 points to Means of Production:
This will be an inexpensive way to grant you 5-10 skill points from crafting for others, If you make the Artisan’s hammer for yourself, you’ll get +10 (it has 18 skill points up from 8 for the green version). Those 15-20 skill points will be an early way to contribute to your axe making, but won’t be required. You could rely on expensive Sanctified ingots, or eventual skillups from crafting Epic weapons for others, or the yet to be implemented NPC crafting orders, if they go past 75 for skillups.

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My honest opinion is that engineering was the worst profession to level in Dragonflight, and they’ve found a way to make it worse for TWW. There is just way too much rng involved in this profession. I have no idea how they can turn it around this late in the game, but they really need to do something.


I very much agree. I really hate the different tier of mats in general as it just felt so bad in DF. No one wants anything crafted with lower tier mats and getting high tier mats required a bunch of grinding or a ton of money. There should just be 1 tier of mats and have the difficulty in crafting revolve around the actual craft qualities.


I haven’t tried alchemy yet but if meticulous Experimentation is back I will not being using that profession.
meticulous Experimentation provided the worst experience I’ve ever had with WoW. Constant failures, and a stupid daily lockout. I would use all my charges and get 1 recipe that was just meh and I’d be done for the day after 5 minutes and couldn’t progress anymore. If they want an experimentation aspect in Alchemy, Then they should add a system where you can just combine say 2 different herbs together and a flask, and you’d discover a new recipe, now that I typed it out, basically Skyrim system lol. And they could add a early node that gives you perks on discovering and maybe even tells you what combinations would give you.


By and large I’ve really enjoyed the profession update in Dragonflight, and I think the concentration change here is also positive. That being said I have two major pain points to share.

  1. Please for the love of Thrall. Reduce the amount of random stuff in our bags. Three ranks of every single reagent feels completely unnecessary. Surely there is a better answer.

Profession mats are not the only culprit here, but I beg, please stop digitally abusing our bags.

  1. I felt that the gold sink aspect associated with trying to craft almost anything was higher than it needed it to be. I don’t know how you control this from the design end, but for my more casual friends the gold cost hurt them or even prohibited them from being able to do it on rarer occasions.

I can’t properly test this because engineering is a bloody nightmare to level, even on the crafting server.

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there is an item you can get to reset the CD on your discovery thing, and that can get you pretty far

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I know, even with that, I still loathe crafting now. It used to be fun for me.


Re: Enchanting

  1. I’m assuming Enchanting is not complete due to recipe ranks and skill possibility in the trees. There is a large gap between what is capable and recipe ranks. If this is intended, this going to be an RNG slot wheel or force everyone to stack ingenuity.

  2. Authority of the Depths is not tied to any spec nodes the same way the other Authority enchants are (e.g. Authority of Air to the tertiary node)

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Have read through this thread.

I have sort of given up testing broken professions.

These are :-1:

  1. Engineering and jewelcrafting - the low levels need too many mats and are in a fit state for the junkyard
  2. Tailoring and enchanting - cloth and green boes (or warcraft bound) are in a drought
  3. Inscription - needs too many herbs and some low level recipes have a bug problem

(As an aside is there an agreed acronym for warcraft bound? Cant be ‘wb’ - that’s taken. Can’t be btw (bound to warcraft) - that’s taken too.)

These should be changed / fixed in a patch in the next month.

Blacksmith, leatherworking and alchemy are mostly working at the levels I have tested. In response to a couple of posts saying cant get past 55 in lw and BS - you can get close to 80 once you can afford to buy a number of the recipes for professions tools and accessories. Then I think it relies on armour/weapon crafting orders (boo) or maybe the darkmoon faire hopefully to get to 100.

Alchemy is a bit of a lottery - I have got 5 recipes (beside health pots) - 2 pots, 3 flasks - all need the more rare herbs sadly - but at low levels it is working.

Gathering professions are mostly working - theres some bugs (using the overload mechanism particularly) and some good new toys. One thing I’ve noticed is that there are three rare materials that come from gathering and they are all used by other professions. The rare you get from gathering spored herbs will be the most sought after because there are so few spored herbs. It is used to make the level 80 rare armor set in all armor crafting (and probably other places too). The herb that is in plague proportions is used in cooking (you need lots) - and gives early access to some good recipes. The 2 rares from mining (you can get ok amounts) will also be highly sought after as they are used in other professions too. More reasons to be a gatherer.

Im just going to gather every now and then and wait for the profession patches now.

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