Completed Priority Mail achievement but can't find the toy Katy's Stampwhistle and the pet Mailemental

Hi. I completed the Lost Mail questline and received the achievements The Total Package, Post Haste and Priority Mail. I do have the title Postmaster (obtained for completing the achievement Priority Mail). I can’t find the toy Katy’s Stampwhistle and the pet Mailemental which are also rewards for the achievement. Not sure what happened. Is this something the GMs can help me with? Or I am out of luck? Thanks.

OP here. I posted on the wrong character above. Here is my main that completed the achievement. Thanks.

Make sure to check the filters in both your Toy Collection & Pet Journal. Ensure that all Sources are checked.


Thank you for the tip. I just went back in the game and confirmed both have all Sources checked. When I type the name of the toy and the pet I can see them but they are both greyed out.


The toy is found in “A Bulging Package” which is sent after you complete the achievement. It looks like you completed that achievement July of 2020, so it’s possible that it was deleted at some point. I’m not sure about the pet. It looks like you completed the achievement around the same time, but I don’t see the pet.

You’ll want to submit a ticket. A Game Master should be able to verify the achievements.


Thank you, Vrakthris. Just did. Hopefully they can help me. :slight_smile:

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Just wanted to drop a note to confirm the issue has been resolved (in case someone else has the same issue). The GM was able to confirm I completed the achievement and mailed the toy and pet. I was extremely pleased (and surprised) on how quickly my ticket was reviewed and resolved. THANK YOU! :slight_smile: