Compiled Vulpera Bug List -- Updated 12/2/2020

You might want to add this onto the list of problems with the Vulpera as well. Using “Return to camp” occasionally causes the camera’s anchor point to no longer be level with the characters eye level causing you to zoom in on the top of the Vulpera’s forehead instead of in between the eyes. This issue is prominent in both Male/Female Vulpera.

I wrote an issue about it before patch 9.0 came out, and even though they seem to have fixed the issue where it happened mostly when you entered portals or hearthed, the biggest offender that causes it now is the “Return to Camp” ability.

The only workaround to fix the issue in game if that happens without having to log out and log back in, is to use a toy or item that transforms your character into another race and the camera’s anchor point pops back into the right position. For example, using the Gammon toy or the Savory Deviate Delight food. I’ll monitor this more closely and update on other factors that causes this camera bug to happen. I’m posting it here in hopes more people will take a look at it as well.

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