—12/2/2020 Update—
Hey, sorry for slacking on keeping this post updated as it should be. Honestly this was a bit over due but I am finally getting around to updating this after being nudged by Remaru and Webley. Thank you all, as well as the unnamed members of the greater Vulpera community for continuing to bring forward issues and maintain a passion for this game and this wonderful Allied Race.
If any new Vulpera exclusive bugs have been found please feel free to make a new post in here and I will try to get it added onto the list as soon as possible. I ask that you please try to be as thorough as possible when explaining your bug. Visual aids are always a positive and so are steps to recreate it if possible
I am updating this thread to reflect the current state of the bugs posted here, pointing out which bugs are still around and moving the fixed bugs to their own collapsed windows at the bottom of the thread. If I missed adding your bug report to the compiled list please let me know!
Original Opener
The Vulpera Hype Caravan has been consolidating bugs with the Vulpera Allied Race for a while now and has made a comprehensive list of all their findings and known bugs based around the Allied Race.
I was approached by their leaders to help post this thread as I myself am a huge Vulpera fan and have access to Trust Level 3 and can post picture visuals for the bugs. I take no credit for these findings, this was the collective work of the Vulpera community who have been very passionate about this race since before being announced as an Allied Race and well after the fact!
Thank you to the Vulpera community for its diligent work on making this.
Also, please keep noted the date of this
Visual Bugs
UPDATE: 12/2/2020 Status – Still Bugged for Males using the “Plains” coat pattern.
There are a few visual bugs with the character customization options as seen down below. The first major customization bug has to do with Male Vulpera and earrings.
When using the “Plains” Coat pattern the earrings on Male Models seem to be blackened and splotchy, almost as if the spots are being textured atop the earrings as well as fur.
As you can see, the vibrant silver and blue gem studs is instead covered in this dark, grim, iron color when using the spots pattern. This is a bug that seems to be exclusive to males as female Vulpera do not suffer from the same bug as seen below.
Females seem to retain their vibrant earring textures so this bug seems to be exclusive to male Vulpera.
UPDATE: 12/2/2020 Status – Still Bugged/major ear clipping
This is not something the community has compiled and sent me but something I personally wish to add to the list as it is very weird to look at. I personally consider the following a graphical bug. I made a thread on this a while back, January 26th of 2020 to be exact, but felt this was a good place to bring it back up at.
Goggles seem to clip through Vulpera ears in a rather… painful… and possibly deafening way for several ear options.
Which I am assuming is not intended or possibly from time constraints. However, it would be great if whenever a Vulpera chooses to wear goggles they don’t need to puncture their ears just to wear them.
(NEW – 12/2/2020) Transmorphic Tincture
It appears that as of Shadowlands, more specifically as of 9.0.1, the effect of the Transmorphic Tincture is bugged for Vulpera and no longer properly retains the Fur Color or Fur Pattern when used like it did prior to patch 9.0.1. An example image has been included down below for comparison.
In fact, it appears that doing a sex change at the barber is seemingly entirely randomizing features instead of maintaining parallels. If this is an intended change or an unintended side effect of the customization changes it would be nice to have some clarification.
NEW – 12/2/2020) Necrolord Greaves Grievance
There is something really funky going on with the Necrolord transmog grieves on Female Vulpera characters. This visual bug is seemingly female exclusive and causes the plates of the pants to have fused together rather awkwardly. While I know that flesh and slim are often crafting components for the Necrolords I do not think that their armor smith had intended for the Greaves to have melded together in such a way as displayed below.
This appears to be the case with “Bladesworn Harbinger’s Greaves, Prime Harbinger’s Greaves, Stitched Harbinger’s Greaves and Duty-Bound Harbinger’s Greaves” as pointed out by Webley over in their thread and in a post in this thread.
Perhaps a factory recall is in order
Heritage Armor: Transmog Hidden Boots
UPDATE: 12/2/2020 Status – Still bugged as mentioned below. Double checked on a non-Vulpera to confirm that this was only affecting Vulpera characters. This is still bugged and costing Vulpera players to hide their boots like every other race.
After acquiring your Heritage Armor, the “Hidden Boots” transmog option costs gold as it registers as now part of the Vulpera Heritage Armor transmog set and seemingly replaces the normal, free, “Hidden Boots” option that other races have.
(NEW – 12/2/2020) Return to Camp Camera Issues
As pointed out by Webley in this thread as well as in their own thread that using the Return to Camp Feature, under the right circumstances, can cause the camera’s anchor to shift slightly.
I have not personally tested this but Webley has written some good posts on the issue and how they have replicated it.
This is currently the current complete and comprehensive list of known bugs for the Vulpera Allied Race. Again, aside from my own input on the Goggles situation and commenting on reporting the Footprint bug, I take no credit for the discovery or compiling of this list of Vulpera Bugs as it was the Vulpera Community who had come together on this matter.
Hopefully we can see these bugs squashed as we head towards Shadowlands
Fixed Bugs
Spots and Stripes Tail Texture
UPDATE: 12/2/2020 Status – FIXED
Spots and Stripes Tail Textures Missing?
Another curious character texture situation has to do with the Spots and Stripes patterns for Vulpera Fur and the textures seemingly missing on Vulpera tails. As shown below through the Wowhead model viewer you can see a comparison of the Wowhead model viewer on the left and what it is live on the right.
The texture files, so I have been told, are in the client but are not being applied for whatever reason on live.
Footprint Textures
UPDATE: 12/2/2020 Status – FIXED
So this one is actually one I had reported very early on in the PTR bug report forums, a bug that STILL has not been corrected in the game to date. Vulpera footprints, no matter what you are wearing, what you are transmogged to, appear as tiny boot prints! Even when you are not even wearing anything in the boots slot the Vulpera footprints come up as tiny boots as seen below! (In a wonderful gif provided to me by the Vulpera community )
Not only does this make no sense as their feet are paws, much like Worgen, but none of their footwear covers their paws. They always have exposed paws no matter what footwear you wear (with the one exception being the Wooly Wendigo Slippers which do cover their paws)
Again, this is something I personally reported very early on in the PTR that is still live to this day that really needs to be fixed.
What is interesting to note is the following, promotional material for the Vulpera show them wearing boots as depicted in the image below.
This was also the case in very early builds of the PTR in addition to the Promo Images. There is a special claw model that attaches to the front of the boots in these. The Geoset for anklets is instead enabled globally for the race though, as can be seen below.
It is unclear if this is a bug if a design change but its something to note at the least.
Footstep Sounds
UPDATE: 12/2/2020 Status – FIXED
UPDATE NOTE: After comparing the sounds of differing terrain with different races and Druid Cat form I can confirm that the sounds fall in line with the audio of other forms. I had compared Ghost Wolf at first but that form, by comparison to Worgen and Druid Cat Form makes nearly no sound as I feel it’s due to the form being a spirit creature instead of a traditional physical creature. As such I have personally deemed this as fixed.
Footstep Sounds
In addition to the Footprints being wrong for Vulpera their sounds also appear to be wrong. Compared to the “Pap pap” sound of Worgen Paws the Vulpera walking sounds seem to have a heavier, almost heel like, sound to them that does not match their bare paws like how Worgen sound for example.
Bag of Tricks
UPDATE: 12/2/2020 Status – FIXED
UPDATE NOTE: From my experience I have personally had no issues with Bag of Tricks resetting my selected trick on any of my Vulpera characters. However, if people come forward testing this POST the listed date and it is still not remembering the selected tricks then please make a follow up post and I will move this back out of fixed. Please also try to provide as much information as possible if directly testing it and the steps you went through to recreate the bug. The more information the better!
Bag of Tricks
After using “Bag of Tricks”, if the selected trick is not the default vial, it resets to the default and must be enabled again through the “Rummage Your Bag” ability.
Heritage Armor: Backpack Cloak
UPDATE: 12/2/2020 Status – FIXED
UPDATE NOTE: I do not play Vulpera Female’s or use the Heritage armor personally. From my last attempted focus testing this issue seems to have been fixed. If anyone can recreate this past the listed fixed date then please reply below with as much information as possible on the steps taken to replicate this. For the time being it appears to be fixed however.
Heritage Armor: Backpack Cloak
The Heritage Armor Backpack floats during some melee animations as shown down below in the following gif.