Question is why can’t we have both? I don’t feel like the two are mutually exclusive.
But they’re still shipping the models that are both rushed and broken.
flies and lies
“There’s going to be a real self-examination of what the Alliance is about, and how they want to behave. Do they want to get revenge on the Horde, or do they want to build a better world? That’s a question they need to answer.”
They act like it’s mutually exclusive. You can have justice and build a better world. Justice would be taking Sylvanas down and put Baine in her place.
Cause let’s face it. More war is the oposite of building a better world, specially with one cosmic treat every year coming around.
Question is why can’t we have both? I don’t feel like the two are mutually exclusive.
The fact that Blizzard seems to think so shows just how disconnected they are from their community and any sense of a coherant and enjoyable story.
That quote alone demonstrates how and why BFA’s story has been as bad as it has been, and so poorly recieved. And, unfortunately, I dont see that changing with anything that gets revealed tomorrow.
Bump for chaos, ions still lying
About what regarding the story?
Good, do one for the horde.
there was, look it up, hence why its alliance edition.
Good, do one for the horde.
This thread aims to collect all the misleading statements for both sides: