Competitive elements have ruined the game

Well objectively the timer is there to upgrade/downgrade the key,
Timing the key gives you more loot

and failing to time it gives you downgraded/less loot.

also not timing it means it will not be tracked in your achievement progress.

Timing it will count towards your achievement process.
Blizzard has mandated that timing the key is a net positive. You are rewarded for it. Its more than just for IO score.

Do you understand this? or does Mommy Sabrina need to break it down for the wittle baby even further.

not true for the vast majority of players running the vast majority of keys

if you’re thinking you can’t time a +9 because you don’t have a fire mage… there’s something else wrong


No way, we would totally stop and smell… something while leisurely progressing through the dungeon.


Does anybody care about anything that isnt M14+?
M9, who even does that

I think it’s just the game had gotten old and average casual player moved on. An average WoW player is much more hardcore now.

I remember a few expansions ago I considered myself a slightly more hardcore casual. These days I’m more casual than average it seems.

I don’t remember the last time I ran with a VDH or Boomkin.

I didn’t use either to get my +15s done.

I must be playing WoW wrong.


There should be none: fun detected, fun removed.

On another thing: i am offended by your usage of the word “nerding” which denigrates intellectual people. Can you remove it please. Also, the word “happy”…



In fact, I’ll smile too.

mommy sabrina needs a good punishing from young stepson earningpenny

Rise of the trophy participation generation.

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While I don’t agree with everything you typed, this tidbit did get me thinking as I also face this issue.

Sometimes I wish the Blizzard would just own the fact that a portion of the playerbase does not know/care/can to play their spec to reasonable competency. Why? Because then they could dump that trope they like to trot out regarding “likeminded players” and “friends playing with friends” while all the while they institute structures that tear down community.

Then they could say - “you don’t have to be skilled, but it is a skilled based game that uses gear as the multiplier” Having said that, then they could incentivize players who choose to play with lesser skilled players. Because they absolutely could set a metric and slap an internal score on a character. They have that data.

Imagine a game where you were given a sliver of a currency for taking along someone not as skilled (but not out of range - that’s important) with you on your keys? Then you’d be encouraged to pick that appropriately geared but non-meta person to your key - and if they played poorly, you’d get a bonus/consolation at the end of your run.

It’s a dream. It would take effort to implement and a company culture that values the quality of it’s community. I’m positive it would not make traditional ROI.

Oh well. Musings. :lollipop:

Maybe Blizzard should finally drop everything else but M+ and PVP and turn WoW into a console action game. Would be a lot cheaper for Blizzard to generate and maintain content and it would appeal to the 5 second attention span gamers that seem to make up most of the video game market these days.

The timer absolutely adds difficulty. Like basketball, chess or the SATs the timer tests a person’s critical decision making under pressure.

Valor and 3 chesting kind of tried that. Wf/ Tf also made lower runs still worth while.

As opposed to catering to players that can’t handle a 4 button rotation?

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How did that encourage me to bring a player that I know would be a carry?

It doesnt though. It just makes you memorize efficient routes.
Which isnt any kind of skill, its just a memorization thing.

It encouraged higher end players to participate in more casual runs. A system to reward carries would just devolve into sales/ boosters more than it already does.

LoL. I guess we will pretend that shot clocks, game clocks and chess timers don’t exist.

The NFL should get rid of them. Remembering and executing a play book is not skill. Bobby Fischer and Peyton Manning weren’t actually good, they could just remember things…

Trust me. You don’t want to remove timers. Without timers people would be go back to kicking people from groups and replacing them instead of learning and growing. Since people cannot be kicked without hurting the whole team and can’t allow new people to join, people are forced to try to adapt with the group.

Well, they’d have to do a number of things. Which is why it’s unfeasible. But you could programmatically address it all. They have all the data to do it.

But again, it’s dreamtime, because it would never hit ROI, sadly.

Or players could just be more helpful.

This the most unbalanced and tuned Mplus season yet. Crap all over the floor ,and awful key weeks, I have not ran it much at all.

Honestly though, it isn’t as unbalanced as people think other than perhaps early tank balance. The real issue is the community themselves, and it gets worse every season.

Even the “D” tier specs have shown themselves able to clear 20s. As someone who’s working on my last two dungeons for KSM, my advice is take people based on IO more than their class. Also ask people to whisper you something in the group description. It really does help to filter out people that a. Don’t speak your language and B. Don’t care to listen and won’t be team players.

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