Compendium of Roleplay Guides



Thank you for making this awesome thread!

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Thank you, Raedolf! I will be editing this when I complete my next major edit of the thread, very soon™ :nerd_face:

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This is beautifully done. I look forward to pouring through each of these as time permits. I will likely be using this as reference for material if and when I start planning out my RP Education classes. Thank you for taking the time to put this ongoing masterpiece together.

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I found one for you.

It has been 1 year since this thread was published, and I’ve received a lot of feedback about it! I’m so pleased that this compendium has been a useful resource for the community, and I look forward to seeing it continue to grow.

I am still seeking an independent guide specifically related to Dark Iron Dwarf roleplay. If anyone happens to know of one, or any other useful WoW-related roleplay guides, I will gladly add them to the thread.

Happy roleplaying! :performing_arts: :sparkles:


Inquisitor Aura on youtube has a wonderful video essay series about getting started in roleplay in World of Warcraft that I recommend to any beginner, would be a good addition to the compendium!


A Dark Iron Dwarf roleplaying and lore guide has been shared with me and installed into this Compendium. As a soft reminder, if anyone has additional roleplay guides they wish to share I will gladly add them to the list after reviewing them. :nerd_face:

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I’ve been an avid Sunwalker RPer since Cata, but I left the game after Legion. I’m returning to the game now, and I’d like to offer a guide I had written back in WoD. I’m still going over what I’ve missed to update, but I hope this holds value.

A Guide to Sunwalker RP - Moon Guard - World of Warcraft Forums (


Along with the Lightforged, there is the Lightbound from the AU Draenor. They are a fanatical relgious cult-version of the Army of Light, led by Yrel. Lightforged could be Lightbound, either escapees from the cult, or missionaries of a sort off to spread the “gospel”.

If anyone has additional guides they wish to share, whether it’s a guide you found and enjoy, or if it’s a guide you wrote yourself, please feel free to share it in a reply to this forum thread.

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Just realizing that this is still being maintained so…

If you’re interested in adding another void elf guide, mine is available. I wrote it as a void elf main who feels as though no existing void elf guides truly cover everything void elf players should know when creating new void elf characters.


I came in here, as an old time WRA vet, expecting to see some of Quill’s guides circulating around still. I fear those were lost to time but were great resources (not that these aren’t good work!).

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I’m not familiar with Quill’s guides, but if you have more information or details on this series (assuming it is a series), I am happy to see if I can dig them up on webarchives.

Understandable! It’s old server and WoW lore. Quill was a very respected, very knowledgeable lore head back in Wrath of the Lich King. I fear they’re lost to the sands of time at this point but they were really helpful!

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A great resource for a rusty player coming back from a long hiatus. Thank you Feyawen!


Reaching out to the community to inquire about any Dracthyr/Evoker RP guides that may have come out since Dragonflight launched. Any direction as to that would be greatly appreciated!