Comp Stomp should be the leveling battleground

Looks like according to this blue post, it was both and that once the Anniversary event was over, then Comp Stomp would return

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Would you still find it fun if it didn’t give honor/marks/rep?

I’m all for making it a mode where people that are new to pvp or a class can practice, but I don’t think it should give rewards. They could also make a version of it for arenas.

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Which is full of bots already :man_shrugging:t5:

Flightstones being required to upgrade honor stuff ruined comp stomp for me.


Sorry…I just got this image of little Billy being upset that little Sally got a popsicle too even though she didn’t help mom bring in the groceries. :rofl:

It doesn’t teach players to pvp anymore than LFR teaches someone to raid in a real team atmosphere. lol


This would likely ruin it. So no thanks.

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It will eventually always be Player vs AI in the future.

I don’t know, would you still find arena fun if it didn’t award glad mounts or vault?

I’m all for making a mode where people enjoy pushing numbers high on a leaderboard, but I don’t think it should give rewards.

See how this works?

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Why would you be entitled to PvP rewards for PvEing/afking against bots? It’s a good way to get new people to try out bgs, but let’s be honest here. You only like it because you barely have to do anything to get the rewards

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Its a training simulation

Probably because to a lot of randoms in the queues, ‘player versus player’ also applies to members of their own team. Sometimes it even seems like they’re more interested in attacking their own team than the opposing one.

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It isn’t a mode where people can practice; the bots don’t act realistic at all. They’re too good at interrupts and too bad at everything else. In SL it was really just good for grinding honor/conquest and renown, and now it’s good for honor/conquest and probably flightstones. Also dream/shadowflame sparks for people who are below the cap.

You can still get honor and conquest faster from other modes (like solo shuffle or probably battleground blitz based on what I’ve heard)

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So M+ players could grind blood of the enemy in BFA.

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:open_book: :open_book: :open_book:
Proving my point that people like it because it’s free honor and not because it’s fun.

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As long as somebody brought up Korrak’s Revenge…

You know there was no scaling in there. A level 20 might have 1500hp while a level 70 in PvP gear had 1500k hp. Wanting more of that would not help levelers. Were you thinking leveling brackets? How about no premades and no party sync? If they did that leveling bgs wouldn’t be in such a bad spot.

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The fact that Comp Stomp is max level only is backwards, if anything it should be the opposite. It should be available while leveling as a way to practice pvp or practice the mechanics for specific BGs as you level up, and should be available for each main BG.

At max level, it could be a way to earn your starter pvp set, just have each different Comp Stomp BG reward gear for a separate slot. Once you have a full starter set from Comp Stomp, and actually know how to play each of the maps, then you can join actual PVP and not be a liability.

Having it be max level only feels like such a waste.


It’s actually called under geared player vs over geared premade.

It’s hard to suffer through pvp when you have a gear deficit. If compstomp makes pvp more accessible to pve players then I’m cool with it.

Or at the very least I want to get the transmog sets without losing my way there.

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im not sure its really necessary to make it a vector for levelling, but it probably wouldn’t be a bad thing.

I do think it should always be available, nobody wants to get farmed by conquest geared players doing random bgs in between their hour+ solo shuffle queues. Give people a way to get honor gear fairly painlessly at the very least so they have a fighting chance.

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