Community Toxicity needs to be dealt with

Ignore because we have nothing to add. We asked you multiple times to define a term you were using to describe others. Yet, you just ignore that part completely from the start.

Now we are “trolling”. This guy lmao.

How can you say Mythic + isn’t toxic? Griefing happens, people fake afk, people leave keys for childish reasons, insults and racism happen often. This is normalized, its not punished. Why do these things happen? The systems in place are inherently toxic to begin with.

Blizzard itself, the entity, is toxic. Its the culture bro, I’m just calling it what it is.


Both of them are just trolling my post, giving them any extra attention is detracting everyone from having a meaning discussion.

I don’t have toxic experiences in M+ because I never pug.

If you really want M+ to stop being toxic, then require all party members to be part of the same guild. There, problem solved.

But people don’t want that, because they CLAIM they like pugging, even while in the same breath they talk about how much they hate pugging. I really don’t understand it.


Yes I am in agreement sorry for derailing the original post, bait is sometimes is easy to take.

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That might be a good idea.

I’ve have 2 people randomly leave all season. That’s over 100 keys, this season. I’ve had maybe 3 people use insults in all of those runs as well. Zero have fake-afk’d or were racist.

If it is happening to you frequently, maybe you are the common denominator.

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Mythic + is a system. Systems are incapable of being toxic. It’s people.

It happens because behavior like this isn’t punished severely and/or frequently enough.

At the same time, people also need to develop a bit of self-awareness. Are they getting insulted because the other people are legit trolls or did they legitimately ruin the gameplay experience for four other people by signing up for a dungeon for which they were not prepared?

No sorries needed lol it also I took me a few posts to realize we were just feeding the trolls


Obvious citstion needed for this statement, but here’s a definition.

That’s toxic. Freedom is toxic.

New players are toxic, or normal and heroic dungeons are toxic.

Objective data is also toxic.

More data being toxic.

Game systems like the vault are toxic.

Game is toxic.

System frustration causes toxicity

There’s the real nugget of the problem. OP doesn’t like m+. Doesn’t like the challenge, doesn’t like the “athlete” mentality m+ rats adopt, doesn’t like being ranked/judged, and doesn’t like people.

Everything the OP doesn’t like about m+ exists in literally every competitive venue.

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It’s not that they’re misleading so much as the context of their whole site is raiding, not M+. They barely touch on PVP at all and their M+ data is, in some cases, pretty suspect.

I wish there were sites like Icy-Veins for PVP and M+, but I haven’t found any with the depth of coverage that they have.

I’ve learned to look more at the descriptions of and the uses for the ‘not suggested’ talents and covenants and such before making a decision (I don’t M+ or PVE much - almost all I do is PVP) and if you do that you can get good information out of IV, but much of the WoW community (and society at large) is of the TL;dr generation and won’t look deeper that the top level data of the information.

So anecdotally it doesn’t happen you, but you call out people for anecdotes?


So you’re denying racism doesn’t exist in large part, like people not inviting ragnaros, azralon or que thalas cause they speak spanish or other languages, you never had people fake offline?

Your anecdotals are meaningless.

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Oh, so you just have an axe to grind? Who sent that nude in the first place? Sounds like she could have avoided the whole thing.

Anecdotes are experiences. So other people can use theirs to defend their position, but I can’t? So it can only be used to create an echo chamber of a one sided discussion, I see.

I’m not the one who used anecdotes to start.

Systems can fester that toxicity, you can tunnel a rat to do bad things. If the leadership is known for doing bad things it affects the things they work on.



So, what’s your definition of racism?

My definition of racism is simple, you hate someone because of their race. That’s all there is to it for me, but it seems like not wanting to group with people because they speak a different language is part of your definition.

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That isn’t racism, Lmfaooo.

Think he’s presenting an alternative perspective.

Just a heads up, the lower key you’re running, the more likely you are to encounter toxic behavior. Pvp is quite similar.

It’s almost as if the bad players are the most toxic. Hmmmm

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Mythic + has always been a blight on the community as a whole. The game was better off without it. But that is just my opinion.


It’s not that simple. Some men would literally ignore women if they didn’t put out, as see there’s always other women that are more willing to put out for them, let’s be honest, as such a lot of women will give into the pressure to show their pics to keep the male attention, that’s the reality of it.

To be clear, racism and overt toxicity should absolutely be punished.

But in context of this conversation I’m not sure what you define as racist or toxicity, so I don’t want my words to be misinterpreted