Community is at odds with Blizzard over healers

Whether healers are expected to or not is one thing, I think there should be options for healers that want to though. No not just “play disc” I don’t like disc I like holy. I dont really understand healers that hate using damage spells, and I imagine they don’t understand that I love using them as holy priest. If a healer wants to do damage, they should have a path to make their role as a healer that contributes damage desirable, and the healers that dont could likewise have options to boost raw healing to compensate. That way raids could consider whether to take an aggressive healer or pure healer based on what they need.

This needed another topic. If you aren’t doing damage in my groups as a healer, you aren’t getting reinvited

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You press your healy buttons then do damage.

If dps stand in stupid and die then they die and it’s on them.

lol no

and the community isn’t at odds with any of this.

good lord it’s like asking people to toss out a moonfire when there’s nothing else to do is asking them to chuck their firstborn into a volcano.

you all overreact like mad.


Honestly I lean much further toward “just hit your damage buttons” on this debate. Even if you are one of the folks that prefers not to, if the game changes so healers have contribution to damage as a part of the role, that would probably leave things more open for encounter design that isnt an arbitrary hps check, or at least let you have time to chill with your wraths smites or lava bursts between heal spikes. Theres only so much blizz can do for a fight if the idea is all heals all the time, the damage will just keep escalating.

I’d prefer less forced aoe damage to heal for busy work and more adjusting to my situation.

I mean how many times do you see shamans throwing out healing surges in between their damage, paladins throwing out WoG/LoH/Flash, or even druids using regrowth? It’s a lot less than healers doing dps that’s for sure.

Actually queing as a healer rn is 10x faster than tank, I was playing guardian but couldn’t get any healers for my 13s so I just went resto

Or you should be doing higher keys and challenge yourself more…

The overreaction is on both sides…

And druid and monk. Dunno about shammy or pali as never mained one for an expansion. But cat and fistweaving is definitely a thing the class is designed around

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I think they are creating an artificial tank and healer shortage with increasing demands on healers and tanks. This will make it harder to pug, then surely the surplus healers and tanks in guilds will welcome those millions of dps who can’t form or get into groups. This will, like, totally bring back the “community”.

Enough of these posts already. If you want healing to be like it was when you played in TBC, well I’ve got great news for you…

I’ve had some…choice messages sent to me for not healing dps that stand in the snot and responding to their curse outs with ‘sorry I can’t treat terminal stupidity’ lol

Let’s see

DPS job is to…DPS. Pretty much meaning if the enemy is still alive then your job is to efficiently and quickly kill the enemy.

Healers job is to…heal? Which means if someone needs health, the Healer…heals. If everyone is at top spot then THEY HAVE NO JOB AT THE MOMENT.

Whats the issue?

I play a healer to HEAL not to DPS, hence why it says HEAL.

There are 3 specs that heal around damage: Disc Priest, MW monk (once you get legendary) and to a lesser extent Holy Paladin. If I want to heal AND DPS then I’ll roll one of them. If I want to HEAL then Ill play one of the other healer specs.

Personally, they should make one healing class that causes damage around the person they heal as a BASELINE ability. That class could satisfy the “Lazy Healer, DPS will ya” and the “I’m here to heal” crowds

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As a healer, I prefer spending most of my time healing (as opposed to FF14 style healing where healers are just green DPS). I’m ok doing damage during downtime, but the DPS part should be very simple so that most of my focus can be on healing.

MDI and even just non-PUG groups are generally going to focus a lot more on healer DPS even if it isn’t a lot because they will make less mistakes and thus require less healing, but more DPS is always beneficial. More healing is only helpful at the top levels of play in mythic+ if it allows for bigger pulls or if you can have one more DPS instead of another healer in raid.

A lot of tension comes from the fact that people think they are MDI or something with their +15s.

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Yes, resto can switch to cat but the damage dealt is about enough to survive in the open world. Even convoke is weak doing damage as a cat in resto, and you waste an OMG heal.

I think im the only player that doesnt melee heal on my mistweaver lol. I grabbed a different leggo and have stuck to ranged healing.

But what does the Dracthyr say!?!


You don’t have to be godlike, you can make @focus macros to heal your tank… it makes it a lot easier to juggle dpsing while healing.

No no noooooo

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