Community Feast

Cannot participate in the Community Feast. It is showing on my character. I can go Iskaar and see the event happening. I can pick up the Community Feast quest. I can technically kill anything that shows up, but in the task/quest list for the event I remain at 0/1 Get your orders from Big Kinook. When I attempt to speak to him absolutely nothing happens. I never get the chef hat extra action and therefore I get no credit towards participation and also my quest that I can pick up remains at 0/5 Participate in the Community Feast.


Having the same issue with getting credit for participating, did everything from killing to stirring the pot. No credit.


Having the same issue

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Community Feast doesn’t even show up for me anymore after todays resets.


Same issue here, and it’s been getting progressively worse each day. Sometimes I’ll go the entire duration of the feast and get zero orders ( standing next to Big Kinook, walk away and come back, fly away and come back, /reload, relog, etc.).

Has this been officially addressed at all yet?


Same thing. I got 4 credit things to pop the whole 15min. I think its too crowded? Malganis


Second time at the community feast, able to add stuff and see +aroma messages, but remain at 0/1, 0/5 Participate quests. Briefly got a chef hat extra action button at the start, and it immediately disappeared before I could click it and it never came back. :frowning:


Same issue, only get other players taunting and offering no help >:C

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Experiencing same issue as OP

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I have the same issue on my main and when its happen I remember the event bugged and stopped then for the subsequent bring us in this situation, a bugged event! Almost like we were changing phases the wholes group when it happened…

Yep. Try flying away from the area and back in. I did this and an actual community feast objective popped up and was able to finish the quest. Try this until the chef’s hat pops up and it gives you a certain task.

Timer stuck at 14:59. Did a bunch of tasks. Randomly ends and no credit for anyone during the event.

Same, broken quest for me as well.

broken for me on my mage but not my hunter. i cant do anything on my mage. it says get your order from Big Kinook, but he does nothing

Still happening. Actually, for me today was the first time that this has happened. Not sure what’s going on. I tried all of the approaches that has been mentioned here and nothing. It’s sad to say that this has me really irritated because now I have to try and remember to come back in about 3 hours to try again.

Here’s hoping for a fix soon.

As of today, this seems to no longer give you renown for taking part in it. Aside from the weekly quest, and the soup boss dropping 50.

Seriously lame. I hope this is a bug.

You used to make about 550 renown taking part in the whole event. Now it is 50. Not worth doing anymore :frowning:

My main got 590 renown from the soup event.

The second or third time you’ve done it this week?

I also had this issue today for the first time.

I got the Tuskaar Community Feast quest and participated in the feast. I stomped crabs, threw multiple fish back, helped kill all the meats, kill anything attacking the feast and returned some meat but did not get any credit towards the quest. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?

Not once did he tell me to do anything or call my name out specifically.


This is still happening. Just did the entire event and participated in every action. Got one or two hats that didn’t immediately disappear and couldn’t finish the quest. Also, first time doing it this week and only 100 rep when some players said they got a lot more. When will this be fixed please?

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